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Vol. 23 No. 17 · 6 September 2001

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 23 No. 17 · 6 September 2001

Nicholas Jenkins

Raymond Roussel and the Republic of Dreams by Mark Ford. Faber, 312 pp., £25, November 2000, 0 571 17409 4


Rupert Forbes, Christopher Small, John Coles, Nick Potter, Keith Flett, Chris Morrissey, Peter Lipton, Harold Dorn, Claude Rawson, Peter Mackridge

Frank Kermode

Half a Life by V.S. Naipaul. Picador, 214 pp., £15.99, September 2001, 0 330 48516 4

Robin Robertson

Three Poems

Jenny Diski

Misogyny: The Male Malady by David Gilmore. Pennsylvania, 253 pp., £19, June 2001, 0 8122 3608 4

Katha Pollitt

The Curse: Confronting the Last Taboo, Menstruation by Karen Houppert. Profile, 261 pp., £6.99, April 2000, 1 86197 212 1

Daniel Soar

Schooling by Heather McGowan. Faber, 314 pp., £10.99, August 2001, 0 571 20651 4

Thomas Jones

Gun, with Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem. Faber, 262 pp., £5.99, August 2001, 0 571 20959 9

Conor Gearty

To Raise up a New Northern Ireland: Articles and Speeches 1998-2000 by David Trimble. Belfast Press, 166 pp., £5.99, July 2001, 0 9539287 1 3

John Sturrock

Short Cuts: at the Test Match

Michael Byers

Too Close to the USA

Christopher Turner

Cities for a Small Country by Richard Rogers and Anne Power. Faber, 310 pp., £14.99, November 2000, 0 571 20652 2
Urban Futures 21: A Global Agenda for 21st-Century Cities by Peter Hall and Ulrich Pfeiffer. Spon, 384 pp., £19.99, July 2000, 0 415 24075 1

David A. Bell

Napoleon the Novelist by Andy Martin. Polity, 191 pp., £45, December 2000, 0 7456 2536 3

James Meek

Ghost MacIndoe by Jonathan Buckley. Fourth Estate, 469 pp., £12.99, April 2001, 1 84115 227 7
The Twins by Tessa de Loo. Arcadia, 392 pp., £6.99, May 2001, 1 900850 56 7
Riptide by John Lawton. Weidenfeld, 322 pp., £16.99, March 2001, 0 297 64345 2
The Day We Had Hitler Home by Rodney Hall. Granta, 361 pp., £15.99, April 2001, 1 86207 384 8
Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris. Doubleday, 431 pp., £12.99, April 2001, 0 385 60169 7
The Fire Fighter by Francis Cottam. Chatto, 240 pp., £15.99, March 2001, 0 7011 6981 8
The Element of Water by Stevie Davies. Women’s Press, 253 pp., £9.99, April 2001, 0 7043 4705 9
The Bronze Horsewoman by Paullina Simons. Flamingo, 637 pp., £6.99, April 2001, 0 00 651322 0
The Siege by Helen Dunmore. Penguin, 304 pp., £16.99, June 2001, 0 670 89718 3

Rosemary Hill

The Buildings of England: A Celebration Compiled to Mark 50 Years of the Pevsner Architectural Guides edited by Simon Bradley and Bridget Cherry. Penguin Collectors’ Society, 128 pp., £9.99, July 2001, 0 9527401 3 3

Sarah LeFanu

Gwen John: A Life by Sue Roe. Chatto, 364 pp., £25, June 2001, 0 7011 6695 9

August Kleinzahler

Poem: ‘The Old Poet, Dying’

Dinah Birch

Men in Wonderland: The Lost Girlhood of the Victorian Gentleman by Catherine Robson. Princeton, 250 pp., £19.95, June 2001, 0 691 00422 6

Peter Campbell

At the Musée Galliera: Children’s clothes

Rory Stewart

Diary: walking across Iran

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