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Vol. 23 No. 15 · 9 August 2001

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

John Sturrock

André Malraux: Une Vie by Olivier Todd. Gallimard, 694 pp., frs 175, April 2001, 2 07 074921 5


Alistair Elliot, Tam and Kathleen Dalyell, George Schlesinger, Kevin Kopelson, Peter Riley, Jon Newman, Mick McManus, Elaine Windrich, R.W. Johnson, Patrick Hughes

Martin Clark

L'Informatore: Silone, i Comunisti e la polizia by Dario Biocca and Mauro Canali. Luni, 275 pp., lire 30,000, March 2000, 88 7984 208 0

R.W. Davies

Midnight Diaries by Boris Yeltsin, translated by Catherine Fitzpatrick. Phoenix, 409 pp., £8.99, April 2001, 0 7538 1134 0
Post-Soviet Russia: A Journey through the Yeltsin Era by Roy Medvedev, translated by George Shriver. Columbia, 394 pp., £24, November 2000, 0 231 10606 8
Zagadka Putina by Roy Medvedev. Prava cheloveka, 93 pp., $8, March 2000, 9785771201269

Jeremy Waldron

Sovereign Virtue: The Theory and Practice of Equality by Ronald Dworkin. Harvard, 511 pp., £23.95, June 2000, 0 674 00219 9

Helen Cooper

The Idolatrous Eye: Iconoclasm and Theatre in Early Modern England by Michael O'Connell. Oxford, 198 pp., £30, February 2000, 9780195132052

Paul Durcan

Poem: ‘The 24,000 Islands of Stockholm’

Richard Davenport-Hines

Letters from Prison by the Marquis de Sade, translated by Richard Seaver. Harvill, 401 pp., £20, October 2000, 1 86046 807 1
De Sade's Valet by Nikolaj Frobenius, translated by Tom Geddes. Marion Boyars, 242 pp., £9.95, November 2000, 0 7145 3060 3

Jeremy Noel-Tod

Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier. HarperCollins, 248 pp., £5.99, July 2000, 0 00 651320 4
Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland. Review, 242 pp., £6.99, May 2001, 9780747266594
A View of Delft: Vermeer Then and Now by Anthony Bailey. Chatto, 288 pp., £16.99, April 2001, 0 7011 6913 3
Vermeer's Camera by Philip Steadman. Oxford, 207 pp., £17.99, February 2001, 0 19 215967 4

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Telly

Ian Sansom

One for My Baby by Tony Parsons. HarperCollins, 330 pp., £15.99, July 2001, 0 00 226182 0
How to Be Good by Nick Hornby. Viking, 256 pp., £16.99, May 2001, 0 670 88823 0
Little Green Man by Simon Armitage. Viking, 246 pp., £12.99, August 2001, 0 670 89442 7

Amit Chaudhuri

A Bottle of Ink, a Pen and a Blotter

William Wootten

The Collected Poems of Vernon Watkins  Golgonooza, 495 pp., £16.95, October 2000, 0 903880 73 3

Robin Fox

In the Arms of Africa: The Life of Colin Turnbull by Roy Richard Grinker. St Martin’s, 354 pp., £19.75, August 2000, 0 312 22946 1

Peter Campbell

At Tate Britain: Michael Andrews

Richard Fortey

The Map that Changed the World: The Tale of William Smith and the Birth of a Science by Simon Winchester. Viking, 338 pp., £12.99, August 2001, 0 670 88407 3

Richard Jenkyns

A History of Greece: From the Time of Solon to 403 BC by George Grote, edited by J.M. Mitchell and M.O.B. Caspari. Routledge, 978 pp., £60, September 2000, 0 415 22369 5

Simon Collier

Liberators: Latin America’s Struggle for Independence, 1810-30 by Robert Harvey. Murray, 561 pp., £25, May 2000, 0 7195 5566 3

Richard Sanger

Poem: ‘Monument’

Matthew Hughes

Diary: The Man Who Killed Hammarskjöld?

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