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Vol. 22 No. 21 · 2 November 2000

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 22 No. 21 · 2 November 2000

Richard Poirier

Bellow: A Biography by James Atlas. Faber, 686 pp., £25, November 2000, 0 571 14356 3


Earl Dachslager, Laura Mandell, Ellis Thorpe, Arnold Rattenbury, John Black, Anna Levy, David Ridge, John Worthen, Keith Flett, Frank Phillips

Alan Bennett

A Cure for Arthritis and Other Tales

Peter Campbell

At the National Gallery: Impressionist Pictures

Paul Foot

Medes and Persians

Richard Davenport-Hines

The Science of Marijuana by Leslie Iversen. Oxford, 278 pp., £18.99, April 2000, 0 19 513123 1
Drug Diplomacy in the 20th Century: An International History by William McAllister. Routledge, 344 pp., £16.99, September 1999, 0 415 17989 0
The Control of Fuddle and Flash: A Sociological History of the Regulation of Alcohol and Opiates by Jan-Willem Gerritsen. Brill, 278 pp., €52, April 2000, 90 04 11640 0
Drugs and the Law: Report of the Independent Inquiry into the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971  Police Foundation, 148 pp., £20, March 2000, 0 947692 47 9

James Lasdun

Poem: ‘Returning the Gift’

John Barrell

Coleridge: Darker Reflections by Richard Holmes. HarperCollins, 512 pp., £9.99, October 1999, 0 00 654842 3

James Francken

Short Cuts: the Booker Prize shortlist

Norman Vance

Sartor Resartus by Thomas Carlyle, edited by Rodger Tarr and Mark Engel. California, 774 pp., £38, April 2000, 0 520 20928 1

J.L. Heilbron

On Tycho’s Island: Tycho Brahe and His Assistants, 1570-1601 by John Robert Christianson. Cambridge, 451 pp., £30, March 2000, 9780521650816

Richard Fortey

The First Fossil Hunters: Palaeontology in Greek and Roman Times by Adrienne Mayor. Princeton, 361 pp., £22, May 2000, 0 691 05863 6

Thomas Jones

In the Shape of a Boar by Lawrence Norfolk. Weidenfeld, 322 pp., £16.99, September 2000, 0 297 64618 4

Alex Clark

All Hail the New Puritans edited by Nicholas Blincoe and Matt Thorne. Fourth Estate, 204 pp., £10, September 2000, 1 84115 345 1

Lorna Scott Fox

Daphne du Maurier: Haunted Heiress by Nina Auerbach. Pennsylvania, 216 pp., £18.50, December 1999, 0 8122 3530 4

Jerry Fodor

Puccini: His International Art by Michele Girardi, translated by Laura Basini. Chicago, 530 pp., £41, September 2000, 0 226 29757 8

Bruce Robbins

Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in 20th-Century France by Judith Butler. Columbia, 268 pp., £12, June 1999, 0 231 06451 9

Alex Oliver

Articulating Reasons: An Introduction to Inferentialism by Robert Brandom. Harvard, 230 pp., £21.95, June 2000, 0 674 00158 3

James Davidson

Diary: Face to Face with Merce Cunningham

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