Vol. 22 No. 12 · 22 June 2000

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

T.J. Clark

The Arcades Project by Walter Benjamin, translated by Howard Eiland. Harvard, 1073 pp., £24.95, December 1999, 9780674043268


A.W.B. Simpson, Stanley Best, Jonathan Persse, John Elderfield, David Sylvester, Peter Breuer, Conrad Cork, David Potter, Wilhelm Schmid, Andrew Cowan, Richard Gott, Michael Brookes, John Pook, Paul Muldoon

Frank Kermode

The Complete Poems of William Empson edited by John Haffenden. Allen Lane, 410 pp., £30, April 2000, 0 7139 9287 5

Gilberto Perez

On Becoming Cuban: Identity, Nationality and Culture by Louis Pérez Jr.. North Carolina, 579 pp., £31.95, October 1999, 0 8078 2487 9

Michael Byers

Back to the Cold War?

Avi Shlaim

The Dream Palace of the Arabs: A Generation’s Odyssey by Fouad Ajami. Pantheon, 368 pp., $14, July 1999, 0 375 70474 4

Frank Cioffi

The Rumour: A Cultural History by Hans-Joachim Neubauer, translated by Christian Braun. Free Association, 201 pp., £16.95, November 1999, 1 85343 472 8

David Thomson

The Way We Lived Then: Recollections of a Well-Known Name Dropper by Dominick Dunne. Crown, 218 pp., £17.99, October 1999, 0 609 60388 4
Gary Cooper Off Camera: A Daughter Remembers by Maria Cooper Janis. Abrams, 176 pp., £22, November 1999, 0 8109 4130 9

Alexander Nehamas

On Beauty and Being Just by Elaine Scarry. Princeton, 134 pp., $15.95, September 1999, 0 691 04875 4
Air Guitar: Essays on Art and Democracy by Dave Hickey. Art Issues, 216 pp., £15.95, September 1998, 0 9637264 5 5

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Adopt a Book

Ian Hacking

Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction Versus the Richness of Being by Paul Feyerabend, edited by Bert Terpstra. Chicago, 285 pp., £19, February 2000, 0 226 24533 0

Roy Porter

British Clubs and Societies 1580-1800: The Origins of an Associational World by Peter Clark. Oxford, 516 pp., £60, January 2000, 0 19 820376 4

Miles Taylor

British Society 1680-1880: Dynamism, Containment and Change by Richard Price. Cambridge, 349 pp., £40, October 1999, 0 521 65172 7

Edwin Morgan

Four Poems

Clive Wilmer

Collected Shorter Poems: 1966-96 by John Peck. Carcanet, 424 pp., £14.95, April 1999, 1 85754 161 8

Ian Hamilton

The Human Stain by Philip Roth. Cape, 361 pp., £16.99, May 2000, 0 224 06090 2

Jenny Turner

Miss Wyoming by Douglas Coupland. Flamingo, 311 pp., £9.99, February 2000, 0 00 225983 4

Susan Wicks

Two Poems

Susan Watkins

The Clear Stream: A Life of Winifred Holtby by Marion Shaw. Virago, 335 pp., £18.99, August 1999, 1 86049 537 0

Rosemary Dinnage

Selected Letters of Rebecca West edited by Bonnie Kime Scott. Yale, 497 pp., £22.50, May 2000, 0 300 07904 4

Matthew Reisz

American Pimpernel: The Man who Saved the Artists on Hitler’s Death List by Andy Marino. Hutchinson, 416 pp., £16.99, November 1999, 0 09 180053 6

Jay Griffiths

Diary: the Mayday protest in London (2000)

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