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Vol. 21 No. 8 · 15 April 1999

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Terry Castle

A Likely Story: One Summer with Lillian Hellman by Rosemary Mahoney. Doubleday, 273 pp., $23.95, November 1998, 9780385479318


Your Correspondent, Chris Wheal, Duncan Wu, John Mitchell, Said Aburish, G. Colin Jimack, John Kenny, Rebecca Loncraine, Jan Udris, Olivier Todd, Jeremy Bernstein, Doris Tranter, Stephen Budiansky, Nikolaus Lobkowicz, Jonathan Brown

Raymond Friel

Poem: ‘Sections from ‘Book of the Garden’’

Linda Nochlin

Mary Cassatt: Modern Woman edited by Judith Barter. Abrams, 376 pp., £40, November 1998, 0 8109 4089 2
Mary Cassatt: Painter of Modern Women by Griselda Pollock. Thames and Hudson, 224 pp., £7.95, September 1998, 0 500 20317 2

Peter Campbell

Millais: Portraits by Peter Funnell and Malcolm Warner. National Portrait Gallery, 224 pp., £35, February 1999, 1 85514 255 4
John Everett Millais by G.H. Fleming. Constable, 318 pp., £20, August 1998, 0 09 478560 0
Edward Burne-Jones: Victorian Artist-Dreamer by Stephen Wildman and John Christian. Abrams, 360 pp., £48, October 1998, 0 8109 6522 4
Frederic Leighton: Antiquity, Renaissance, Modernity edited by Tim Barringer and Elizabeth Prettejohn. Yale, 332 pp., £40, March 1999, 0 300 07937 0

Theo Tait

The Music Lesson by Katharine Weber. Phoenix House, 161 pp., £12.99, January 1999, 1 86159 118 7
The Museum Guard by Howard Norman. Picador, 310 pp., £12.99, February 1999, 9780330370097

Michael Wood

Diaries 1899-1942 by Robert Musil, translated by Philip Payne. Basic Books, 557 pp., £27.50, January 1999, 0 465 01650 2

Tony Harrison

Poem: ‘Doncaster’

Frank Kermode

Pilate: The Biography of an Invented Man by Ann Wroe. Cape, 381 pp., £17.99, March 1999, 0 224 05942 4

Tariq Ali

‘Try and disarm us, if you can’

Conor Gearty

Legislation against Terrorism: A Consultation Paper. CM 4178. by Home Office and Northern Ireland Office.70 pp., £9.95, December 1998, 0 10 141782 9

Mary Beard

Dorothy Hodgkin: A Life by Georgina Ferry. Granta, 425 pp., £20, November 1998, 1 86207 167 5

Frances Spalding

New Art New World: British Art in Postwar Society by Margaret Garlake. Yale, 279 pp., £35, July 1998, 0 300 07292 9
Cultural Offensive: America’s Impact on British Art since 1945 by John Walker. Pluto, 304 pp., £45, September 1988, 0 7453 1321 3

Andy Beckett

The Nation’s Favourite: The True Adventures of Radio 1 by Simon Garfield. Faber, 273 pp., £9.99, October 1998, 0 571 19435 4

David Goldie

Morecambe and Wise by Graham McCann. Fourth Estate, 416 pp., £16.99, October 1998, 1 85702 735 3

John Lloyd

Diary: in Romania

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