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Vol. 20 No. 10 · 21 May 1998

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

M.F. Burnyeat

Art and Mimesis in Plato’s ‘Republic’


Neil Forster, Christopher Hitchens, Robert Zich, Andrew Gow, Richard Davies, Henrik Rosenmeier, Andrew Rawlinson, Keith Flett

David Bromwich

Robert Southey: A Life by Mark Storey. Oxford, 405 pp., £25, April 1997, 0 19 811246 7

R.W. Johnson

Classes and Cultures: England 1918-51 by Ross McKibbin. Oxford, 562 pp., £25, March 1998, 0 19 820672 0

Ashis Nandy

Nehru: A Tryst with Destiny by Stanley Wolpert. Oxford, 546 pp., £25, January 1997, 0 19 510073 5

Amit Chaudhuri

Love and Longing in Bombay by Vikram Chandra. Faber, 257 pp., £6.99, March 1998, 0 571 19208 4

Andrew Saint

Cities for a Small Planet by Richard Rogers. Faber, 180 pp., £9.99, December 1997, 0 571 17993 2

Catherine Wilson

The Ovary of Eve: Egg and Sperm and Preformation by Clara Pinto-Correia. Chicago, 396 pp., £23.95, November 1997, 0 226 66952 1

Simon Schaffer

The Enlightenment of Joseph Priestley: A Study of His Life and Work from 1733 to 1773 by Robert Schofield. Pennsylvania State, 328 pp., £35.95, January 1998, 0 271 01662 0

Terence Hawkes

The Fury of Men’s Gullets: Ben Jonson and the Digestive Canal by Bruce Thomas Boehrer. Pennsylvania, 238 pp., £36.50, January 1998, 0 8122 3408 1

Rebecca Mead

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia by Marya Hornbacher. Flamingo, 298 pp., £12.99, March 1998, 0 00 255880 7

Anna Vaux

Bad Mothers: The Politics of Blame in 20th-Century America edited by Molly Ladd-Taylor and Lauri Umansky. New York, 416 pp., £16, April 1998, 0 8147 5119 9
Madonna and Child: Towards a New Politics of Motherhood by Melissa Benn. Cape, 288 pp., £12.99, January 1998, 0 224 03821 4

Justine Jordan

Little Thing by Susan Wicks. Faber, 155 pp., £9.99, May 1998, 0 571 19344 7

John Redmond

One Train by Kenneth Koch. Carcanet, 74 pp., £7.95, March 1997, 9781857542691
A World where News Travelled slowly by Lavinia Greenlaw. Faber, 53 pp., £6.99, January 1997, 0 571 19160 6
A Painted Field by Robin Robertson. Picador, 98 pp., £6.99, February 1997, 0 330 35059 5

P.N. Furbank

Lord Berners: The Last Eccentric by Mark Amory. Chatto, 274 pp., £20, March 1998, 1 85619 234 2

Stephen Smith

Diary: in Medellín

Andy Beckett

Guide by Dennis Cooper. Serpent’s Tail, 176 pp., £8.99, March 1998, 1 85242 586 5

Peter Porter

Poem: ‘Lament Addressed to the People’

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