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Vol. 20 No. 7 · 2 April 1998

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Stephen Sedley

Statutory Interpretation by Francis Bennion. Butterworth, 1092 pp., £187, December 1997, 0 406 02126 0
Law and Interpretation edited by Andrei Marmor. Oxford, 463 pp., £18.99, October 1997, 0 19 826487 9
Equality before the Law: Deaf People’s Access to Justice by Mary Brennan and Richard Brown. Deaf Studies Research Unit, University of Durham, 189 pp., £17.50, October 1997, 0 9531779 0 4


Mervyn Jones, Stewart Wallis, William Morrice, Brian Southam, Jenny Balfour-Paul, Masolino d’Amico, Val Lyubarsky, Giles Foden, Nicolas Walter

Alan Bennett

Alan Bennett chooses four paintings for schools

Anthony Grafton

Behind the Picture: Art and Evidence in Italian Renaissance by Martin Kemp. Yale, 304 pp., £25, November 1997, 0 300 07195 7

Lorna Scott Fox

The Shameful Life of Salvador Dali by Ian Gibson. Faber, 764 pp., £30, November 1997, 0 571 16751 9

Stephen Knight

Poem: ‘A British Summer’

Michael Wood

Collected Poetry and Prose by Wallace Stevens, edited by Frank Kermode and Joan Richardson. Library of America, 1032 pp., $35, October 1997, 1 883011 45 0

Andrew O’Hagan

Truman Capote: In which Various Friends, Enemies, Acquaintances and Detractors Recall His Turbulent Career by George Plimpton. Picador, 498 pp., £20, February 1998, 0 330 36871 0

Ian Hamilton

Toward the End of Time by John Updike. Hamish Hamilton, 334 pp., £16.99, February 1998, 0 241 13862 0
Golf Dreams by John Updike. Penguin, 224 pp., £6.99, February 1998, 0 14 026156 7

Misha Glenny

Misha Glenny calls for a coup in Belgrade

Thomas de Waal

Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn to Dusk by Aleksandr Korzhakov. Interbook, 477 pp., £9.95, December 1997, 5 88589 039 0
Romance with the President by Vyacheslav Kostikov. Vagrius, 352 pp., £10.50, October 1997, 5 7027 0459 2

John Henderson

Dissidence and Literature under Nero: The Price of Rhetoricisation by Vasily Rudich. Routledge, 408 pp., £50, March 1997, 0 415 09501 8

T.H. Barrett

The Buddha of Brewer Street by Michael Dobbs. HarperCollins, 288 pp., £16.99, January 1998, 0 00 225412 3
The Book of Tibetan Elders: Life Stories and Wisdom from the Great Spiritual Masters of Tibet by Sandy Johnson. Constable, 282 pp., £17.95, February 1997, 0 09 476950 8
The Art of Tibet by Robert Fisher. Thames and Hudson, 224 pp., £7.95, November 1997, 0 500 20308 3
Tibetan Nation: A History of Tibetan Nationalism and Sino-Tibetan Relations by Warren Smith Jr.. Westview, 732 pp., £59.50, December 1996, 0 8133 3155 2
The Way to Freedom by His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Thorsons, 181 pp., £7.99, February 1997, 0 00 220043 0
Awakening the Mind, Lightening the Heart by His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Thorsons, 238 pp., £8.99, February 1997, 0 00 220045 7
Kundun: A Biography of the Family of the Dalai Lama by Mary Craig. HarperCollins, 392 pp., £17.99, May 1997, 0 00 627838 8

Elaine Showalter

Diary: My Year of Living Dangerously

Owen Flanagan

The Analects of Confucius translated by Simon Leys. Norton, 224 pp., £9.95, February 1998, 0 393 31699 8
The Analects of Confucius translated by Chichung Huang. Oxford, 224 pp., £35, October 1997, 0 19 506157 8

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