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Vol. 20 No. 2 · 22 January 1998

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 20 No. 2 · 22 January 1998

Tom Paulin

The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets by Helen Vendler. Harvard, 672 pp., £23.50, December 1997, 0 674 63712 7
Shakespeare's Sonnets edited by Katherine Duncan-Jones. Arden, 503 pp., £7.99, September 1997, 1 903436 57 5


Gilbert Adair, Aidan Foster-Carter, Patrick Nairne, Ian Buruma, Norman Cantor, Eric Foner, Terence Hawkes, Peter Lamarque, Christopher Small, Leo Baxendale, Alison Walker, Richard Davies

Frank Kermode

Shakespeare’s Troy: Drama, Politics and the Translation of Empire by Heather James. Cambridge, 283 pp., £37.50, December 1997, 0 521 59223 2

Jerry Fodor

How the Mind Works by Steven Pinker. Penguin, 660 pp., £25, January 1998, 0 7139 9130 5
Evolution in Mind by Henry Plotkin. Allen Lane, 276 pp., £20, October 1997, 0 7139 9138 0

R.W. Johnson

The British General Election of 1997 by David Butler and Dennis Kavanagh. Macmillan, 343 pp., £17.50, November 1997, 0 333 64776 9
Labour's Landslide by Andrew Geddes and Jonathan Tonge. Manchester, 211 pp., £40, December 1997, 0 7190 5159 2
Britain Votes 1997 edited by Pippa Norris and Neil Gavin. Oxford, 253 pp., £12.99, January 1998, 9780199223220
Collapse of Stout Party: The Decline and Fall of the Tories by Julian Crtitchley and Morrison Halcrow. Gollancz, 288 pp., £20, November 1997, 0 575 06277 0
Les Election Legislatives, 25 Mai-1er Juin 1997: Le president desavoue  Le Monde, 146 pp., frs 45, June 1998

Ian Hamilton

Assassination of a Princess by Ahmad Ata. Dar Al-Huda, 75 pp., £5, September 1997, 977 5340 23 3
Diana: A Princess Killed by Love by Ilham Sharshar. Privately published, 125 pp., £10, September 1998, 977 5190 95 9
Who Killed Diana? by Muhammad Ragab. Privately published, 127 pp., £5, September 1998, 977 08 0675 7
Harrods: A Place in Knightsbridge by Tim Dale. Harrods, 224 pp., £35, November 1995, 1 900055 01 5

David Craig

Poem: ‘Operation’

Margaret Anne Doody

Memoirs of Laetitia Pilkington edited by A.C. Elias. Georgia, 348497 pp., £84.95, May 1997, 0 8203 1719 5

Derek Parfit

Why anything? Why this?

Audrey Gillan

Diary: The drubbing of Mohammad Sarwar

E.S. Turner

Shipwrecks of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Eras by Terence Grocott. Chatham, 430 pp., £30, November 1997, 1 86176 030 2

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