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Vol. 19 No. 21 · 30 October 1997

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 19 No. 21 · 30 October 1997

Tom Nairn

The Departed Spirit


Annemarie Heywood, David Longley, Conrad Cork, Martha Nussbaum, Norman Moss, Willie Thompson, Tony Woolfson, Christopher Small, Paul Eustice

John Ashbery

Poem: ‘Homecoming’

Peter Wollen

Sensation: Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection by Norman Rosenthal. Thames and Hudson, 222 pp., £29.95, September 1997, 0 500 23752 2

Linda Nochlin

American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America by Robert Hughes. Harvill, 635 pp., £35, October 1997, 9781860463723

Colin Kidd

Secret and Sanctioned: Covert Operations and the American Presidency by Stephen Knott. Oxford, 258 pp., £19.50, November 1996, 0 19 510098 0
The Long Affair: Thomas Jefferson and the French Revolution, 1785-1800 by Conor Cruise O’Brien. Sinclair-Stevenson, 367 pp., £25, December 1996, 1 85619 637 2
American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson by Joseph Ellis. Knopf, 365 pp., $26, February 1997, 0 679 44490 4
Slave Laws in Virginia by Philip Schwarz. Georgia, 253 pp., $40, November 1996, 0 8203 1831 0

Stephen Fender

Dust-bowl Migrants in the American Imagination by Charles Shindo. Kansas, 252 pp., £22.50, January 1997, 0 7006 0810 9
In the Country of Country by Nicholas Dawidoff. Faber, 365 pp., £12.99, June 1997, 0 571 19174 6

Jerry Fodor

Points of View by A.W. Moore. Oxford, 313 pp., £35, June 1997, 0 19 823692 1

T.H. Barrett

The City of Light by Jacob d’Ancona, translated and edited by David Selbourne. Little, Brown, 392 pp., £22.50, October 1997, 0 316 63968 0

Jean McNicol

Noel Coward and Radclyffe Hall: Kindred Spirits by Terry Castle. Columbia, 150 pp., £15.95, November 1996, 0 231 10596 7
Your John: The Love Letters of Radclyffe Hall edited by Joanne Glasgow. New York, 273 pp., £20, March 1997, 0 8147 3092 2
Radclyffe Hall: A Woman Called John by Sally Cline. Murray, 434 pp., £25, June 1997, 9780719554087

Gabriele Annan

The Reader by Bernhard Schlink, translated by Carol Brown Janeway. Phoenix House, 216 pp., £12.99, November 1997, 1 86159 063 6

David Blackbourn

Man Without a Face: The Memoirs of a Spymaster by Markus Wolf and Anne McElvoy. Cape, 367 pp., £17.99, June 1997, 0 224 04498 2
The File: A Personal History by Timothy Garton Ash. HarperCollins, 227 pp., £12.99, July 1997, 0 00 255823 8

Edward Said

On ‘Fidelio’

Malcolm Deas

News of a Kidnapping by Gabriel García Márquez, translated by Edith Grossman. Cape, 291 pp., £16.99, July 1997, 0 224 05002 8
Chapolas Negras by Fernando Vallejo. Alfaguara, 262 pp., £15, March 1996, 958 24 0283 0
José Asunción Silva: Obra Completa edited by Hector Orjuela. Unesco/Casa de la Poesía Silva, 747 pp., £40, April 1996, 84 89666 06 7

John Sutherland

The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle. Vol. XXV: January-December 1850 edited by Clyde de L. Ryals and K.J. Fielding. Duke, 364 pp., £52, September 1997, 0 8223 1986 1
Reminiscences by Thomas Carlyle, edited by K.J. Fielding and Ian Campbell. Oxford, 481 pp., £7.99, September 1997, 0 19 281748 5

David Craig

Diary: In the Barra Isles

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