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Vol. 19 No. 13 · 3 July 1997

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Ross McKibbin

Why the Tories Lost


Eoin Dillon, Barra Ó Séaghdha, Jörg Rademacher, Peter Robb, David Cobb, Brendan Bradshaw, Peter Lake, Paul Jenkinson, Michael Dobson, Michael Walker, Michael Schmidt

Allen Curnow

Poem: ‘The Kindest Thing’

Paul Foot

Number One Millbank: The Financial Downfall of the Church of England by Terry Lovell. HarperCollins, 263 pp., £15.99, June 1997, 0 00 627866 3

Ian Hamilton

Autobiographies by R.S. Thomas. Dent, 192 pp., £20, May 1997, 0 460 87639 2
Furious Interiors: Wales, R.S. Thomas and God by Justin Wintle. HarperCollins, 492 pp., £20, November 1996, 0 00 255571 9
Collected Poems 1945-90 by R.S. Thomas. Phoenix, 548 pp., £9.99, September 1995, 1 85799 354 3

Jeremy Harding

Conductors of Chaos: A Poetry Anthology edited by Iain Sinclair. Picador, 488 pp., £9.99, June 1996, 0 330 33135 3
Nearly Too Much: The Poetry of J.H. Prynne by N.H. Reeve and Richard Kerridge. Liverpool, 196 pp., £25, April 1996, 0 85323 840 5
Carl Rakosi: Poems 1923-41 edited by Andrew Crozier. Sun & Moon, 209 pp., $12.99, August 1995, 1 55713 185 6
The Objectivists edited by Andrew McAllister. Bloodaxe, 156 pp., £8.95, May 1996, 1 85224 341 4

Carl Rakosi

Poem: ‘Ballad of the Diminished I’

Tim Radford

It’s life but not as we know it

Henry Gee

T. Rex and the Crater of Doom by Walter Alvarez. Princeton, 236 pp., £18.95, May 1997, 0 691 01630 5

Fintan O’Toole

A Singular Territory

John Bayley

Moscow Stations by Venedikt Yerofeev, translated by Stephen Mulrine. Faber, 131 pp., £14.99, January 1996, 0 571 19004 9

Robert Irwin

Quarantine by Jim Crace. Viking, 243 pp., £16.99, June 1997, 0 670 85697 5

Dale Peck

American Pastoral by Philip Roth. Cape, 423 pp., £15.99, June 1997, 0 224 05000 1

Walter Gratzer

A Short History of Cardiology by Peter Fleming. Rodopi, 234 pp., £53.50, April 1997, 90 420 0048 1

Gerald Hammond

Diary: At the Races

John Bossy

The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605 by Antonia Fraser. Weidenfeld, 347 pp., £20, August 1996, 9780297813484

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