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Vol. 18 No. 18 · 19 September 1996

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 18 No. 18 · 19 September 1996

Thomas Laqueur

Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History by Jay Winter. Cambridge, 310 pp., £12.95, September 1996, 0 521 49682 9


D.O. Endall, L.C. Laming, Alan Brownjohn, Timothy Gura, Michael Mason, William Goodman, Gerald Weissmann, D.L. Simms, Eric Thompson, Neil Forster, Gerald Noonan, Joe Hurst

David Harsent

Poem: ‘The Makers’

Fritz Stern

The Nietzsche Canon: A Publication History and Bibliography by William Schaberg. Chicago, 297 pp., £29.95, March 1996, 0 226 73575 3

Adam Phillips

Revenge Tragedy: Aeschylus to Armageddon by John Kerrigan. Oxford, 404 pp., £40, April 1996, 0 19 812186 5
Why Does Tragedy Give Pleasure? by A.D. Nuttall. Oxford, 110 pp., £20, June 1996, 0 19 818371 2

Charles Wheeler

‘You’d better get out while you can’

Adam Mars-Jones

The Cinema of Isolation by Martin Norden. Rutgers, 385 pp., $48, September 1994, 0 8135 2103 3

Andrew Delbanco

Our Vampires, Ourselves by Nina Auerbach. Chicago, 238 pp., £17.50, November 1995, 0 226 03201 9

Richard Drayton

Kew: The History of the Royal Botanic Gardens by Ray Desmond. Harvill/Royal Botanical Gardens, 466 pp., £25, November 1995, 1 86046 076 3

John Mullan

The Correspondence of Thomas Warton edited by David Fairer. Georgia, 775 pp., $85, September 1995, 9780820315010

John Bayley

Is Heathcliff a Murderer? Puzzles in 19th-Century Fiction by John Sutherland. Oxford, 262 pp., £3.99, June 1996, 9780192825162

Stephen Smith

Diary: At the Dingle Derby

Edward Luttwak

The Mother of All Conventions

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