Vol. 18 No. 10 · 23 May 1996

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Terry Castle

From India to the Planet Mars: A Case of Multiple Personality with Imaginary Languages by Théodore Flournoy, edited by Sonu Shamdasani


David Kitson, Jane Howard, Theodore Draper, Eric Foner, Tony Inglis, Montagu Bream, Barra O’Seághdha, Anthony Bilmes, David Edgerton, Petra Schürenhöfer, Jim Haun, Franz Potyka, John Cochrane

Douglas Oliver

Poem: ‘A Little Night’

Adam Gopnik

The Scandal of Pleasure by Wendy Steiner

Michael Hofmann

Paul Celan: Poet, Survivor, Jew by John Felstiner
Breathturn by Paul Celan, translated by Pierre Joris

Gerald Hammond

The Five Books of Moses translated by Everett Fox

George Steiner

The Modern Epic: The World System from Goethe to García Márquez by Franco Moretti, translated by Quentin Hoare

Jenny Diski

Below the Parapet: The Biography of Denis Thatcher by Carol Thatcher

David Runciman

The Boundaries of the State in Modern Britain edited by S.J.D. Green and R.C. Whiting

Stephen Howe

The ‘New Statesman’: Portrait of a Political Weekly, 1913-31 by Adrian Smith

Basil Davidson

Balkan Tragedy: Chaos and Dissolution after the Cold War by Susan Woodward

W.V. Harris

Remus: A Roman Myth by T.P. Wiseman
The Beginnings of Rome: Italy and Rome from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars (c.1000-246 BCby T.J. Cornell

David Halperin

Homos by Leo Bersani

Zachary Leader

Eastern Sun, Winter Moon by Gary Paulsen
The Attic: Memoir of a Chinese Landlord’s Son by Guanlong Cao, translated by Guanlong Cao and Nancy Moskin

Lorna Scott Fox

The Law of Enclosures by Dale Peck

Robert Ackerman

After Tylor: British Social Anthropology 1888-1951 by George Stocking

David Wootton

Astrology and the 17th-Century Mind: William Lilly and the Language of the Stars by Ann Geneva

Ian Gilmour

Diary: Our Ignominious Government

Tom Shippey

Beyond Uhura: ‘Star Trek’ and Other Memories by Nichelle Nichols
I Am Spock by Leonard Nimoy
Science Fiction Audiences: Watching ‘Doctor Who’ and ‘Star Trek’ by Henry Jenkins and John Tulloch
‘Star Trek’: Deep Space Nine by Mark Altman, Rob Davis and Tony Pallot

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