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Vol. 16 No. 23 · 8 December 1994

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Vol. 16 No. 23 · 8 December 1994

Christopher Hitchens

The Enemy Within: MI5, Maxwell and the Scargill Affair by Seumas Milne. Verso, 352 pp., £18.95, November 1994, 0 86091 461 5


Ramachandra Guha, Alan Seymour, A.D. Harvey, Michael Punt, Stuart Silverman, Kenneth Hoyle, Farida Sarkar, Gerald Long

David Cannadine

The Prince of Wales by Jonathan Dimbleby. Little, Brown, 620 pp., £20, November 1994, 0 316 91016 3

Paul Foot

The New Model Army in England, Ireland and Scotland, 1645-53 by Ian Gentles. Blackwell, 590 pp., £14.99, January 1994, 0 631 19347 2

R.W. Johnson

Iain Macleod by Robert Shepherd. Hutchinson, 608 pp., £25, November 1994, 0 09 178567 7

John Turner

Years of Hope: Diaries, Papers and Letters, 1940-62 by Tony Benn, edited by Ruth Winstone. Hutchinson, 442 pp., £25, September 1994, 0 09 178534 0

Jenny Diski

London: A Social History by Roy Porter. Hamish Hamilton, 429 pp., £20, October 1994, 0 241 12944 3
A City Full of People: Men and Women of London, 1650-1750 by Peter Earle. Methuen, 321 pp., £25, April 1994, 9780413681706

Marina Warner

Flesh and Stone: The Body and the City in Western Civilisation by Richard Sennett. Faber, 413 pp., £25, October 1994, 9780571173907

Luciano Berio

Poem: ‘Proesia’

Ruth Bernard Yeazell

The Harem Within: Tales of a Moroccan Girlhood by Fatima Mernissi. Doubleday, 254 pp., £16.99, September 1994, 0 385 40542 1
Ramza by Out el Kouloub, translated by Nayra Atiya. Syracuse, 201 pp., £13.50, July 1994, 0 8156 0280 4

Susan Eilenberg

The Poems of Anna Letitia Barbauld edited by William McCarthy and Elizabeth Kraft. Georgia, 399 pp., £58.50, June 1994, 0 8203 1528 1

James Wood

Shadow Dance by Angela Carter. Virago, 182 pp., £9.99, September 1994, 1 85381 840 2
Flesh and the Mirror: Essays on the Art of Angela Carter edited by Lorna Sage. Virago, 358 pp., £8.99, September 1994, 1 85381 760 0

Patricia Beer

John Betjeman: Letters, Vol. I, 1926-1951 edited by Candida Lycett Green. Methuen, 584 pp., £20, April 1994, 0 413 66950 5

Peter Campbell

Chaim Soutine: Catalogue Raisonné, Vols I-II by Maurice Tuchman, Esti Dunow and Klaus Perls. Benedikt Taschen Verlag, 780 pp., £49.99, December 1993, 3 8228 1629 9

Mike Marqusee

Diary: On the Indian Plague of 1994

C.A. Bayly

Colonising the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in 19th-Century India by David Arnold. California, 354 pp., £40, September 1993, 0 520 08124 2
Public Health in British India: Anglo-Indian Preventive Medicine 1815-1914 by Mark Harrison. Cambridge, 324 pp., £19.95, March 1994, 0 521 44127 7

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