Vol. 15 No. 20 · 21 October 1993

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 15 No. 20 · 21 October 1993

Edward Said

The Morning After


David Herbert, R.W. Farrington, Alan Sinfield, Attila Hoare, Colin McGinn, Bruno de Mazières

Avi Shlaim

Arafat’s Camel

Peter Clarke

Here we go

Philip Purser

The Expense of Glory: A Life of John Reith by Ian McIntyre

David Sylvester

Hanging Offence

John Lanchester

United States by Gore Vidal
What Henry James Knew, and Other Essays on Writers by Cynthia Ozick
Sentimental Journeys by Joan Didion

John Lloyd


Douglas Oliver

Poem: ‘Cirque d’hiver’

Keith Kyle

The United States and the End of the Cold War: Implications, Reconsiderations and Provocations by John Lewis Gaddis
Dean Acheson: The Cold War Years, 1953-71 by Douglas Brinkley
The Quest for Stability: Problems of West European Security 1918-1957 edited by Rolf Ahmann, A.M. Birke and Michael Howard

Patrice Higonnet

At the Heart of a Tiger: Clemenceau and His World 1841-1929 by Gregor Dallas

Geoffrey Hawthorn

An Inquiry into Well-Being and Destitution by Partha Dasgupta

R.W. Johnson

Return to Paradise by Breyten Breytenbach

Michael Wood

‘The Pit’ and ‘Tonight’ by Juan Carlos Onetti, translated by Peter Bush
The Shipyard by Juan Carlos Onetti, translated by Nick Caistor
‘Farewells’ and ‘A Grave with No Name’ by Juan Carlos Onetti, translated by Peter Bush
Body Snatcher by Juan Carlos Onetti, translated by Alfred MacAdam
A Brief Life by Juan Carlos Onetti, translated by Hortense Carpentier
Cuando ya no importe by Juan Carlos Onetti

Dinah Birch

The Eye in the Door by Pat Barker

A.N. Wilson

Love from Nancy: The Letters of Nancy Mitford edited by Charlotte Mosley

Perry Anderson

Diary: On E.P. Thompson

Lorna Sage

My Schooldays

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