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Edward Luttwak

Churchill: The End of Glory by John Charmley. Hodder, 648 pp., £30, January 1993, 9780340487952
Churchill: A Major New Assessment of his Life in Peace and War edited by Robert Blake and Wm Roger Louis. Oxford, 517 pp., £19.95, February 1993, 0 19 820317 9


Camille Paglia, Elaine Showalter, Douglas Johnson, Alexander Rose, Kenneth Muir, Michael Daley, Susan Wilsmore, Francis Bennion, Robert del Quiaro, K.A. Rockwell, Dorothy Bell

Helen Vendler

Elizabeth Bishop: Life and the Memory of It by Brett Millier. California, 602 pp., £18.50, April 1993, 0 520 07978 7

Michael Wood

Memories of the Ford Administration by John Updike. Hamish Hamilton, 371 pp., £15.99, March 1993, 0 241 13386 6

Alasdair Gray

Places of the Mind: The Life and Work of James Thomson (‘B.V.’) by Tom Leonard. Cape, 407 pp., £25, February 1993, 9780224031189

John Bayley

Elizabeth Gaskell: A Habit of Stories by Jenny Uglow. Faber, 690 pp., £20, February 1993, 0 571 15182 5

Stuart Macintyre

The Oxford History of Australia. Vol. II, 1770-1860: Possessions by Jan Kociumbas. Oxford, 397 pp., £25, September 1992, 0 19 554610 5
The Rule of Law in a Penal Colony: Law and Power in Early New South Wales by David Neal. Cambridge, 266 pp., £30, March 1992, 9780521372640
Waterloo Creek: The Australia Day Massacre of 1838, George Gipps and the British Conquest of New South Wales by Roger Milliss. McPhee Gribble, 965 pp., February 1992, 0 86914 156 2
Living in a New Country: History, Travelling and Language by Paul Carter. Faber, 214 pp., £14.99, July 1992, 0 571 16329 7

Adam Phillips

Slouching Towards Bethlehem, and Further Psychoanalytic Explorations by Nina Coltart. Free Association, 200 pp., £15.95, December 1992, 1 85343 186 9
The Damned and the Elect by Friedrich Ohly, translated by Linda Archibald. Cambridge, 211 pp., £30, September 1992, 0 521 38250 5

John Allen Paulos

Irrationality: The Enemy Within by Stuart Sutherland. Constable, 357 pp., £14.95, November 1992, 0 09 471220 4

Graham Coster

Wide Body: The Making of the 747 by Clive Irving. Hodder, 384 pp., £17.99, February 1993, 0 340 53487 7

Tom Leonard

Poem: ‘Monotheism’

Jonathan Coe

The Long Night of White Chickens by Francisco Goldman. Faber, 450 pp., £14.99, January 1993, 0 571 16098 0

Margaret Anne Doody

The Furies by Janet Hobhouse. Bloomsbury, 296 pp., £15.99, October 1992, 0 7475 1270 1

Elisa Segrave

Remembering Janet Hobhouse

Andrew O’Hagan

Diary: Have You Seen David?

Malcolm Bull

Posthistoire: Has History Come to an End? by Lutz Niethammer, translated by Patrick Camiller. Verso, 176 pp., £19.95, January 1993, 0 86091 395 3
When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture by Paul Boyer. Harvard, 488 pp., £23.95, September 1992, 9780674951280

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