Vol. 14 No. 20 · 22 October 1992

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Vol. 14 No. 20 · 22 October 1992

Ian Hamilton

The Selected Letters of Philip Larkin edited by Anthony Thwaite


Terry O’Shaughnessy, Christopher Ricks, Ashley Tauchert, Padraig O Conchuir, Keith Flett, Jackie Latham, William Lamont, M.F. Burnyeat

Frank Kermode

The Jew’s Body by Sander Gilman
Shylock: Four Hundred Years in the Life of a Legend by John Gross
Faultlines: Cultural Materialism and the Politics of Dissident Reading by Alan Sinfield

Norman Dombey and Eric Grove

Britain’s Thermonuclear Bluff

Paul Foot

Nuclear Ambiguity: The Vanunu Affair by Yoel Cohen

Christopher Hitchens

Kissinger: A Biography by Walter Isaacson

John Lloyd

Soviet Politics, 1917-1991 by Mary McAuley
What went wrong with perestroika? by Marshall Goldman
Boris Yeltsin: A Political Biography by Vladimir Solovyov and Elena Klepikova

Perry Anderson

The British Constitution Now by Ferdinand Mount
Constitutional Reform by Robert Brazier
Anatomy of Thatcherism by Shirley Letwin

Edward Pearce

Beaverbrook by Anne Chisholm and Michael Davie

Michael Mason

Predicaments of Love by Miriam Benn
Love in the Time of Victoria by Françoise Barret-Ducrocq, translated by John Howe

C.H. Sisson

Poem: ‘For Charles Worlock, transported to Australia, 1842’

John Bayley

Stephen Spender: A Portrait with Background by Hugh David
More Please: An Autobiography by Barry Humphries

Graham Coster

Hell’s Foundations: A Town, its Myths and Gallipoli by Geoffrey Moorhouse

Sherry Turkle

Diary: The Hillary Wars

Julian Loose

Rising Sun by Michael Crichton
Off Centre: Power and Culture Relations between Japan and the United States by Masao Miyoshi
Underground in Japan by Rey Ventura

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