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Vol. 13 No. 11 · 13 June 1991

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Patrick Parrinder

Wise Children by Angela Carter. Chatto, 234 pp., £13.99, June 1991, 0 7011 3354 6


Alvin Kernan, Antony Easthope, Claude Rawson, David Bull, Martin Orkin, Leonard Jackson, Amit Chaudhuri, Bernard McCabe

Sam Miller

Show us your corpses

Heribert Adam

The Unbreakable Thread: Non-Racialism in South Africa by Julie Frederikse. Indiana, 304 pp., $39.95, November 1990, 0 253 32473 4
A Democratic South Africa? Constitutional Engineering in a Divided Society by David Horowitz. California, 293 pp., $24.95, March 1991, 0 520 07342 8
Koexistenz im Krieg: Staatszerfall und Entstehung einer Nation im Libanon by Theodor Hanf. Nomos Verlag, 806 pp., September 1990, 3 7890 1972 0

Craig Raine

Constance Garnett: A Heroic Life by Richard Garnett. Sinclair-Stevenson, 402 pp., £20, March 1991, 1 85619 033 1

Donald Davie

The Book of J translated by David Rosenberg, interpreted by Harold Bloom. Faber, 286 pp., £14.99, April 1991, 0 571 16111 1

Onora O’Neill

The Political Responsibility of Intellectuals edited by Ian MacLean, Alan Montefiore and Peter Winch. Cambridge, 312 pp., £27.50, December 1990, 0 521 39179 2

Michael Wood

Immortality by Milan Kundera, translated by Peter Kussi. Faber, 387 pp., £14.99, May 1991, 0 571 14455 1
Storm 2: New Writing from East and West edited by Joanna Labon.93 pp., £5, April 1991, 9780009615139

Theodore Zeldin

Dead Certainties by Simon Schama. Granta, 334 pp., £15.99, May 1991, 0 14 014230 4

Julian Symons

Literature and Liberation: Selected Essays by Arnold Kettle, edited by Graham Martin and W.R. Owens. Manchester, 231 pp., £9.95, February 1991, 9780719027734

John Bayley

Edmund Blunden: A Biography by Barry Webb. Yale, 360 pp., £18.50, December 1990, 0 300 04634 0

Ruth Bernard Yeazell

Married Women’s Separate Property in England, 1660-1833 by Susan Staves. Harvard, 290 pp., £27.95, April 1990, 0 674 55088 9
The Bluestocking Circle: Women, Friendship and the Life of the Mind in 18th-century England by Sylvia Harcstark Myers. Oxford, 342 pp., £35, August 1990, 0 19 811767 1
Portrait of a Friendship: Drawn from New Letters of James Russell Lowell to Sybella Lady Lyttleton 1881-1891 by Alethea Hayter. Michael Russell, 267 pp., £16.95, September 1990, 0 85955 167 9
Fierce Communion: Family and Community in Early America by Helena Wall. Harvard, 243 pp., £23.95, August 1990, 0 674 29958 2

Fiona Pitt-Kethley

Poem: ‘Dogs’

E.S. Turner

The Passing of Barchester: A Real-Life Version of Trollop by Clive Dewey. Hambledon, 199 pp., £14.95, April 1991, 1 85285 039 6

Kenneth Fowler

Ways of Lying: Dissimulation and Conformity in Early Modern Europe by Perez Zagorin. Harvard, 337 pp., £27.95, September 1990, 0 674 94834 3
Lucrecia’s Dreams: Politics and Prophecy in 16th-Century Spain by Richard Kagan. California, 229 pp., £24.95, July 1990, 0 520 06655 3
‘In his Image and Likeness’: Political Iconography and Religious Change in Regenshurg, 1500-1600 by Kristin Zapalac. Cornell, 280 pp., $29.95, October 1990, 0 8014 2269 8

Philip Purser

Hitler’s State Archltecture: The Impact of Classical Antiquity by Alex Scoble. Pennsylvania State, 152 pp., £28.50, October 1990, 0 271 00691 9
Totalitarian Art by Igor Golomstock, translated by Robert Chandler. Collins Harvill, 416 pp., £30, September 1990, 0 00 272806 0

Roger Garfitt

Where Colombia screwed up

Tim Gardam

Diary: New Conservatism

Anthony Pagden

The Cambridge History of Latin America. Vol. VII: 1930 to the Present edited by Leslie Bethell. Cambridge, 775 pp., £70, October 1990, 0 521 24518 4
Magical Reels: A History of Cinema in Latin America by John King. Verso, 266 pp., £29.95, November 1990, 0 86091 295 7
Democracy and Development in Latin America: Economics, Politics and Religion in the Post-war Period by David Lehmann. Polity, 235 pp., £29.50, April 1990, 0 7456 0776 4

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