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Vol. 11 No. 22 · 23 November 1989

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Vol. 11 No. 22 · 23 November 1989

Bernard Williams

Contingency, Irony and Solidarity by Richard Rorty. Cambridge, 201 pp., £25, May 1989, 0 521 35381 5


David Howarth, Mary Beard, Maqbool Aziz, David Leverenz, Charles Monteith, Tom Paulin, Graham Martin, Robert Barnhart

Colin McGinn

The Secret Connection: Causation, Realism and David Hume by Galen Strawson. Oxford, 291 pp., £32.50, August 1989, 0 19 824853 9
J.L. Austin by G.J. Warnock. Routledge, 165 pp., £30, August 1989, 0 415 02962 7

David Hoy

Of Spirit: Heidegger and the Question by Jacques Derrida, translated by Geoffrey Bennington and Rachel Bowlby. Chicago, 139 pp., £15.95, September 1989, 0 226 14317 1

Geoffrey Hawthorn

A Treatise on Social Justice. Vol. I: Theories of Justice by Brian Barry. Harvester, 428 pp., £30, May 1989, 0 7450 0641 8
Innocence and Experience by Stuart Hampshire. Allen Lane, 195 pp., £16.95, October 1989, 0 7139 9027 9

Brian Barry

The Company of Critics: Social Criticism and Political Commitment in the 20th Century by Michael Walzer. Halban, 260 pp., £15.95, February 1989, 1 870015 20 7

Sherry Turkle

Winnicott by Adam Phillips. Fontana, 180 pp., £4.95, November 1988, 9780006860945

Paul Hirst


Robert Dallek

A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam by Neil Sheehan. Cape, 861 pp., £15.95, April 1989, 0 224 02648 8

David Gilmour

The Spanish Socialist Party: A History of Factionalism by Richard Gillespie. Oxford, 520 pp., £40, January 1989, 0 19 822798 1

A.D. Nuttall

The Anatomy of Melancholy: Vol. I by Robert Burton, edited by Thomas Faulkner, Nicholas Kiessling and Rhonda Blair. Oxford, 675 pp., £70, October 1989, 0 19 812448 1

Colin Jones

Fiction in the Archives: Pardon Tales and their Tellers in 16th-century France by Natalie Zemon Davis. Polity, 217 pp., £22.50, March 1988, 0 7456 0531 1

Daniel Pick

The Crowd and the Mob: From Plato to Canetti by J.S. McClelland. Unwin Hyman, 343 pp., £35, December 1988, 0 04 320188 1

Charles Boyle

Four Poems

Rosemary Ashton

Arguing with the past: Essays in Narrative from Woolf to Sidney by Gillian Beer. Routledge, 206 pp., £25, August 1989, 0 415 02607 5
Samuel Richardson: Tercentenary Essays edited by Margaret Anne Doody and Peter Sabor. Cambridge, 306 pp., £35, July 1989, 0 521 35383 1

Oliver Reynolds

Poem: ‘Tramlines’

Brian Pippard

Schrödinger: Life and Thought by Walter Moore. Cambridge, 513 pp., £25, August 1989, 9780521354349

Patrick Parrinder

Christopher Unborn by Carlos Fuentes, translated by Alfred MacAdam. Deutsch, 531 pp., £13.95, October 1989, 0 233 98016 4
The Faber Book of Contemporary Latin American Short Stories edited by Nick Caistor. Faber, 188 pp., £11.99, September 1989, 0 571 15359 3
Hollywood by Gore Vidal. Deutsch, 543 pp., £12.95, November 1989, 9780233984957
Oldest living Confederate widow tells all by Allan Gurganus. Faber, 718 pp., £12.99, November 1989, 9780571142019

Ross McKibbin

Diary: Mrs Thatcher’s Magic Pudding

David Saunders-Wilson

Inside Out by Rosie Johnston. Joseph, 226 pp., £12.95, October 1989, 0 7181 3115 0
Life on Death Row: One Man’s Fight against Racism and the Death Penalty by Merrilyn Thomas. Piatkus, 160 pp., £12.95, September 1989, 0 86188 879 0

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