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Vol. 8 No. 15 · 4 September 1986

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Vol. 8 No. 15 · 4 September 1986

E.S. Turner

Monty: The Field-Marshal 1944-1976 by Nigel Hamilton. Hamish Hamilton, 996 pp., £15, June 1986, 0 241 11838 7


Paul Mercer, R.W. Johnson, Barbara Simon, Frank Kermode, Craig Raine, Joseph Pequigney, Neville Smith, A.J. Ayer, Richard Bowring

Peter Pulzer

Little Germany: Exile and Asylum in Victorian England by Rosemary Ashton. Oxford, 304 pp., £17.50, July 1986, 0 19 212239 8

E.P. Thompson

26 July 1987, Court of Appeal: the Public Interest v. the Interested Public, Ex parte the Fourth Estate

Michael Davie

The Whitlam Government 1972-1975 by Gough Whitlam. Viking, 788 pp., £17.95, July 1986, 0 670 80287 5

A.D. Hope

The Oxford Companion to Australian Literature by William Wilde, Joy Hooton and Barry Andrews. Oxford, 740 pp., £30, June 1986, 0 19 554233 9

John Passmore

Australian Realism: The Systematic Philosophy of John Anderson by A.J. Baker. Cambridge, 150 pp., £20, April 1986, 0 521 32051 8

Peter Porter

Poem: ‘Spiderwise’

C.K. Stead

Ocean of Story: The Uncollected Stories of Christina Stead edited by R.G. Geering. Viking, 552 pp., £12.95, April 1986, 0 670 80996 9
The Salzburg Tales by Christina Stead.498 pp., £4.95, September 1986, 0 86068 691 4

Fleur Adcock

Poem: ‘Central Time’

Nicholas Penny

Faith in Fakes by Umberto Eco, translated by William Weaver. Secker, 307 pp., £15, August 1986, 0 436 14088 8
Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages by Umberto Eco, translated by Hugh Bredin. Yale, 131 pp., £6.95, September 1986, 0 300 03676 0

Christopher Norris

On Signs: A Semiotics Reader edited by Marshall Blonsky. Blackwell, 536 pp., £27.50, September 1985, 0 631 10261 2

Brian Pippard

Inward Bound: Of Matter and Forces in the Physical World by Abraham Pais. Oxford, 666 pp., £20, May 1986, 0 19 851971 0

John Ziman

Bird of Passage: Recollections of a Physicist by Rudolf Peierls. Princeton, 350 pp., £21.20, January 1986, 0 691 08390 8
A Life in Science by Nevill Mott. Taylor and Francis, 198 pp., £15, April 1986, 0 85066 333 4
Stallion Gate by Martin Cruz Smith. Collins Harvill, 287 pp., £10.95, May 1986, 0 00 222727 4
Day of the Bomb: Hiroshima 1945 by Dan Kurzman. Weidenfeld, 546 pp., £14.95, February 1986, 0 297 78862 0
Assessing the Nuclear Age edited by Len Ackland and Steven McGuire. Chicago, 382 pp., £21.25, July 1986, 0 941682 07 2

Richard Eyre

Stage Fright: Its Role in Acting by Stephen Aaron. Chicago, 156 pp., £13.95, July 1986, 0 226 00018 4

John Bayley

An Academic Question by Barbara Pym. Macmillan, 182 pp., £9.95, July 1986, 0 333 41843 3
A Misalliance by Anita Brookner. Cape, 191 pp., £9.95, August 1986, 0 224 02403 5

Colin McGinn

Diary: A Philosopher in LA

Nicholas Spice

A Simple Story by S.Y. Agnon, translated by Hillel Halkin.246 pp., £13.10, March 1986, 0 8052 3999 5
At the Handles of the Lock: Themes in the Fiction of S.Y. Agnon by David Aberbach. Oxford, 221 pp., £18, November 1984, 0 19 710040 6
Snakewrist by Christopher Burns. Cape, 240 pp., £9.95, July 1986, 0 224 02351 9

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