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Vol. 8 No. 6 · 3 April 1986

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Cover Artist

Tom Evans

Christopher Andrew

World of Secrets: The Uses and Limits of Intelligence by Walter Laqueur


Philip Lomas, Peter Gwyn, Peter Lamarque, John Stone, Tom O’Farrell, Paul Driver, Nicolas Walter, James MacGibbon

John Sutherland

A Perfect Spy by John le Carré
The Novels of John le Carré by David Monaghan
Taking sides: The Fiction of John le Carré by Tony Barley
John le Carré by Peter Lewis
A Servant’s Tale by Paula Fox
A State of Independence by Caryl Phillips

C.K. Stead

Poem: ‘Deconstructing the ‘Rainbow Warrior’

Michael Hofmann

Poem: ‘The Machine that Cried’

J.P. Stern

Reflections of a Non-Political Man by Thomas Mann, translated by Walter Morris

Alan Milward

Selling Hitler: The story of the Hitler Diaries by Robert Harris

Tom Paulin

The Collected Letters of W.B. Yeats. Vol. I: 1865-1895 edited by John Kelly and Eric Domville

Craig Raine

Poem: ‘Songs for an Opera’

John Bayley

Katharine Hepburn: A Biography by Anne Edwards

Angus Calder

Soldier, Soldier by Tony Parker
Echoes of the Great War: The Diary of the Reverend Andrew Clark 1914-1919 edited by James Munson
The Unknown Army: Mutinies in the British Army in World War One by Gloden Dallas and Douglas Gill
Soldiers: A History of Men in Battle by John Keegan and Richard Holmes

Sam Miller

The Mantle of the Prophet by Roy Mottahedeh

Christopher Lawrence

The Black and white Medicine Show: How doctors serve and fail their customers by Donald Gould

Mark Philp

The Anatomy of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry Vol. I: People and Ideas, Vol. II: Institutions and Society edited by W.F. Bynum, Roy Porter and Michael Shepherd
Madness, Morality and Medicine: A Study of the York Retreat 1796-1914 by Anne Digby

David Plante

Story: ‘The Virgin’

Gabriele Annan

Diary: Trouble at Pyramids Street

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