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Vol. 7 No. 14 · 1 August 1985

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Cover Artist

Gwen John

Noël Annan

Diplomacy and Intelligence during the Second World War: Essays in Honour of F.H. Hinsley edited by Richard Langhorne
British Intelligence and the Second World War. Vol. I: 1939-Summer 1941, Vol. II: Mid-1941-Mid-1943, Vol. III, Part I: June 1943-June 1944 by F.H. Hinsley, E.E. Thomas, C.F.G. Ransom and R.C. Knight


Simon Watney, Dan Jacobson, Jean Raphael Demos, R.M. Acheson and 23 others, John Ryle, Tom Paulin, Graham Martin, Christopher MacLehose, Ursula Owen

Kazuo Ishiguro

Pictures from the Water Trade: An Englishman in Japan by John David Morley

Nobuko Albery

The Sea of Fertility by Yukio Mishima
Mishima on Hagakure by Yukio Mishima
The Life and Death of Yukio Mishima by Henry Scott Stokes

David Drew

From the Other Side

Peter Pulzer

Refugee Scholars in America: Their Impact and their Experiences by Lewis Coser
The Viennese Enlightenment by Mark Francis
The Jews of Vienna, 1867-1914: Assimilation and Identity by Marsha Rozenblit

Christopher Burns

Story: ‘A Country Priest’

Peter Redgrove

Poem: ‘The Night-Chandlers’

Donald Davidson

Plato’s Philosopher

Jonathan Barnes

The Cambridge History of Classical Literature. Vol. I: Greek Literature edited by P.E. Easterling and B.M.W. Knox
A History of Greek Literature by Peter Levi

John Sutherland

British Literary Magazines. Vol. IIIThe Victorian and Edwardian Age 1837-1913 edited by Alvin Sullivan
The Book Book by Anthony Blond

Michael Holroyd

Footsteps: Adventures of a Romantic Biographer by Richard Holmes

Philip Horne

Immoral Memories by Sergei Eisenstein, translated by Herbert Marshall
A Certain Tendency of the Hollywood Cinema: 1930-1980 by Robert Ray
Suspects by David Thomson
Cahiers du Cinéma. Vol. I: The 1950s. Neo-Realism, Hollywood, New Wave edited by Jim Hillier

Gavin Millar

A Man with a Camera by Nestor Almendros, translated by Rachel Phillips Belash
Players of Shakespeare: Essays in Shakespearian Performance by 12 Players with the Royal Shakespeare Company edited by Philip Brockbank
Year of the King by Anthony Sher

Tom Paulin

On the Contrary by Miroslav Holub, translated by Ewald Osers
The Lamentation of the Dead by Peter Levi
Collected Poems by Peter Levi
Elegies by Douglas Dunn
Poems: 1963-1983 by Michael Longley
Making for the Open: The Chatto Book of Post-Feminist Poetry edited by Carol Rumens
Direct Dialling by Carol Rumens
The Man Named East by Peter Redgrove

Danny Karlin

Diary: The Boss at Wembley

D.A.N. Jones

The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende, translated by Magda Bogin
Linden Hills by Gloria Naylor
Careful with the Sharks by Constantine Phipps

Nicholas Spice

A Perfect Peace by Amos Oz, translated by Hillel Halkin

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