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Jose Harris

Lloyd George: From Peace to War 1912-1916 by John Grigg. Methuen, 527 pp., £19.95, February 1985, 0 413 46660 4


A.C. Bramwell, Nicholas Penny, Jonathan Raban

Kevin Brownlow

Chaplin: His Life and Art by David Robinson. Collins, 792 pp., £15, March 1985, 9780002163873

Richard Peace

Solzhenitsyn: A Biography by Michael Scammell. Hutchinson, 1051 pp., £18, February 1985, 0 09 151280 8

Denis Donoghue

James Joyce by Patrick Parrinder. Cambridge, 262 pp., £20, November 1984, 9780521240147
James Joyce and Sexuality by Richard Brown. Cambridge, 216 pp., £19.50, March 1985, 0 521 24811 6
Joyce’s Dislocutions: Essays on Reading as Translation by Fritz Senn, edited by John Paul Riquelme. Johns Hopkins, 225 pp., £22.20, December 1984, 0 8018 3135 0
Post-Structuralist Joyce: Essays from the French edited by Derek Attridge and Daniel Ferrer. Cambridge, 162 pp., £20, January 1985, 9780521266369

Hugo Williams

Poem: ‘An Actor’s War’

Adam Morton

The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique by Adolf Grünbaum. California, 310 pp., £15.60, December 1984, 0 520 05016 9
Schizophrenia and Human Value: Chronic Schizophrenia, Science and Society by Peter Barham. Blackwell, 223 pp., £19.50, December 1984, 0 631 13474 3

Mary-Kay Wilmers

In the Freud Archives by Janet Malcolm. Cape, 165 pp., £8.95, September 1984, 0 224 02979 7

Judith Shklar

Dominance and Affection: The Making of Pets by Yi-Fu Tuan. Yale, 193 pp., £15.95, October 1984, 0 300 03222 6

Ronald Gaskell

Two Poems

Peter Burke

The Thirty Years’ War by Geoffrey Parker. Routledge, 340 pp., £20, January 1985, 0 7100 9788 3

Patrick Wormald

Saladin in his Time by P.H. Newby. Faber, 210 pp., £10.95, November 1983, 0 571 13044 5
Soldiers of the Faith: Crusaders and Moslems at War by Ronald Finucane. Dent, 247 pp., £12.50, November 1983, 0 460 12040 9

Linda Colley

Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour by Jean Tulard, translated by Teresa Waugh. Weidenfeld, 470 pp., £14.95, June 1984, 0 297 78439 0
Alexis: Tsar of All the Russias by Philip Longworth. Secker, 319 pp., £15, June 1984, 0 436 25688 6

Michael Church

Gypsy and Me: At Home and on the Road with Gypsy Rose Lee by Erik Lee Preminger. Deutsch, 277 pp., £9.95, March 1985, 0 233 97736 8
George Thomas, Mr Speaker: The Memoirs of Viscount Tonypandy  Century, 242 pp., £9.95, February 1985, 0 7126 0706 4
Toff down Pit by Kit Fraser. Quartet, 129 pp., £8.95, January 1985, 0 7043 2513 6
Menlove: The Life of John Menlove Edwards by Jim Perrin. Gollancz, 347 pp., £14.95, February 1985, 0 575 03571 4

C.H. Sisson

Diaries: 1923-1925 by Siegfried Sassoon, edited by Rupert Hart-Davis. Faber, 320 pp., £12.95, March 1985, 0 571 13322 3

Keith Kyle

Objections to Nuclear Defence: Philosophers on Deterrence edited by Nigel Blake and Kay Pole. Routledge, 187 pp., £5.95, September 1984, 0 7102 0249 0
Reagan and the World: Imperial Policy in the New Cold War by Jeff McMahan. Pluto, 214 pp., £3.95, August 1984, 0 86104 602 1
A future that will work by David Owen. Viking, 192 pp., £12.95, August 1984, 0 670 80564 5
The Most Dangerous Decade: World Militarism and the New Non-Aligned Peace Movement by Ken Coates. Spokesman, 211 pp., £15, July 1984, 9780851244051

Nicholas Spice

Illywhacker by Peter Carey. Faber, 600 pp., £9.95, April 1985, 0 571 13207 3

Marc Weissman

Diary: Mysteries of the Russian Mind

John Sutherland

Death Sentences: Styles of Dying in British Fiction by Garrett Stewart. Harvard, 403 pp., £19.80, December 1984, 0 674 19428 4
Forms of Feeling in Victorian Fiction by Barbara Hardy. Owen, 215 pp., £12.50, January 1985, 9780720606119
Language and Class in Victorian England by K.C. Phillipps. Basil Blackwell in association with Deutsch, 190 pp., £19.50, November 1984, 0 631 13689 4

Colin McGinn

Story: ‘The Bed Reptile’

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