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Norman Stone

The Twilight of the Comintern 1930-1935 by E.H. Carr. Macmillan, 436 pp., £25, December 1982, 0 333 33062 5


Patrice Higonnet, Graham Greene, Eira Fay, Jeff Weintraub, Joseph Ginsburg, Hyam Maccoby, Anthony Barnett, Michael Grant, William Flesch, John Sturrock, Earl Miner, John Bayley

Robert Blake

Benjamin Disraeli Letters: Vol. I 1815-1834, Vol. II 1835-1837 edited by J.A.W. Gunn, John Matthews, Donald Schurman and M.G. Wiebe. Toronto, 482 pp., £37.50, June 1982, 0 8020 5523 0
The Gladstone Diaries: with Cabinet Minutes and Prime Ministerial Correspondence, Vol. VII, January 1869-June 1871, Vol. VIII, July 1871-December 1874 edited by H.C.G. Matthew. Oxford, 641 pp., £35, September 1982, 0 19 822638 1
Disraeli by Sarah Bradford. Weidenfeld, 432 pp., £14.95, October 1982, 0 297 78153 7
Gladstone: Vol. I 1809-1865 by Richard Shannon. Hamish Hamilton, 580 pp., £18, November 1982, 0 241 10780 6
H.H. Asquith: Letters to Venetia Stanley edited by Michael Brock and Eleanor Brock. Oxford, 676 pp., £19.50, November 1982, 0 19 212200 2

Selima Hill

Poem: ‘Below Hekla’

V.G. Kiernan

From Agadir to Armageddon: Anatomy of a Crisis by Geoffrey Barraclough. Weidenfeld, 196 pp., £8.95, October 1982, 9780297781745

Rosalind Mitchison

A woman’s work is never done: A History of Housework in the British Isles 1650-1950 by Caroline Davidson. Chatto, 250 pp., £15, October 1982, 0 7011 3901 3

Blair Worden

Neostoicism and the Early Modern State by Gerhard Oestreich, edited by Brigitta Oestreich and H.G. Koenigsberger, translated by David McLintock. Cambridge, 280 pp., £25, August 1982, 0 521 24202 9

Tom Paulin

Poem: ‘Foot Patrol, Fermanagh’

Peter Parsons

The Latin Sexual Vocabulary by J.N. Adams. Duckworth, 272 pp., £24, September 1982, 9780715616482
Ovid: The Erotic Poems translated by Peter Green. Penguin, 450 pp., £2.95, November 1982, 0 14 044360 6
Women’s Life in Greece and Rome by Mary Lefkowitz and Maureen Fant. Duckworth, 294 pp., £24, September 1982, 0 7156 1434 7
Heroines and Hysterics by Mary Lefkowitz. Duckworth, 96 pp., £8.95, September 1982, 0 7156 1518 1

Paul Joannides


Penelope Shuttle

Poem: ‘Twilight’

Peter Burke

Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: Vol. I. The Structures of Everyday Life by Fernand Braudel, translated by Siân Reynolds. Collins, 623 pp., £15, October 1981, 0 00 216303 9
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: Vol. II. The Wheels of Commerce by Fernand Braudel, translated by Siân Reynolds. Collins, 670 pp., £17.50, November 1982, 9780002161329
Civilisation matérielle, économie et capitalisme, XVe-XVIIIe siècle: Vol. III. Le temps du monde by Fernand Braudel. Armand Colin, 607 pp., frs 250, May 1979, 2 253 06457 2

Eugen Weber

Love, Death and Money in the Pays d’Oc by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, translated by Alan Sheridan. Scolar, 608 pp., £17.50, October 1982, 0 85967 655 2

Alex Auswaks

Story: ‘Mrs Halprin and the Lottery’

David Katz

Mystical Theology and Social Dissent: The Life and Works of Judah Loew of Prague by Byron Sherwin. Associated University Presses, 253 pp., £12.50, August 1982, 0 8386 3028 6
Judaism on Trial: Jewish-Christian Disputations in the Middle Ages by Hyam Maccoby. Associated University Presses, 245 pp., £15, August 1982, 0 8386 3053 7

Clive James

Poem: ‘Diary’

Blake Morrison

In Memory of War: Poems 1968-1982 by James Fenton. Salamander, 96 pp., £6.95, June 1982, 0 907540 17 1

Robert Taubman

Schindler’s Ark by Thomas Keneally. Hodder, 432 pp., £7.95, October 1982, 0 340 27838 2

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