Vol. 4 No. 18 · 7 October 1982

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Cover Artist

Lucian Freud

Jonathan Steinberg

This Modern Mafia


Boris Ford, W.W. Robson, Laurence Kitchin, Richard Proudfoot, Terence Hawkes, Christopher Norris, Terry Eagleton, Toril Moi, John Hartley, Margaret Atack, John Drakakis, Claude Rawson, Malcolm Deas, Michael Dummett

Benjamin Barber

The Kennedy Imprisonment: A Meditation on Power by Garry Wills

Frank Kermode

Figures of Literary Discourse by Gérard Genette, translated by Alan Sheridan
Theories of the Symbol by Tzvetan Todorov, translated by Catherine Porter
The Breaking of the Vessels by Harold Bloom
The Institution of Criticism by Peter Hohendahl
Unspeakable Sentences: Narration and Representation in the Language of Fiction by Ann Banfield

Robert Taubman

Monsignor Quixote by Graham Greene

Anita Brookner

The President’s Child by Fay Weldon
Silence among the Weapons by John Arden
The Facilitators, or Mister Hole-in-the-Day by Peter Redgrove
Pleasure City by Kamala Markandaya
Worldly Goods by Michael Korda
Dutch Shea Jr by John Gregory Dunne

Penelope Fitzgerald

A Half of Two Lives: A Personal Memoir by Alison Waley

Brigid Brophy

The State and the Visual Arts by Nicholas Pearson
The Politics of the Arts Council by Robert Hutchison

Louis Baum

Louis Baum writes about the book trade in Hungary

Michael Dummett

Now you do know by John Downing

Salman Rushdie

Imaginary Homelands

Peter Campbell

The Autobiography of George Grosz: A Small Yes and a Big No translated by Arnold Pomerans

Graham Hough

Thomas Hardy: A Biography by Michael Millgate
The Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy. Vol. III1902-1908 edited by Richard Purdy and Michael Millgate
The Neglected Hardy: Thomas Hardy’s Lesser Novels by Richard Taylor
Good Little Thomas Hardy by C.H. Salter
Thomas Hardy and Women: Sexual Ideology and Narrative Form by Penny Boumelha
Illustration and the Novels of Thomas Hardy by Arlene Jackson

Seamus Heaney

Poem: ‘The Birthplace’

Frank Kermode

Diary: Theatre of Violence

Bernard Crick

Orwell and Biography

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