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Jonathan Glover

Letting people die


L.S. Pressnell, Ian Gilmour, Edmund Leach, Donald Light, Michael Mason

Noël Annan

Edwardian Excursions: From the Diaries of A.C. Benson 1898-1904 edited by A.C. Benson and David Newsome. Murray, 200 pp., £12.50, April 1981, 9780719537691
Geoffrey Madan’s Notebooks edited by John Gere and John Sparrow. Oxford, 144 pp., £7.95, October 1981, 0 19 215870 8

Michael Ignatieff

Sex, Politics and Society: The Regulation of Sexuality since 1800 by Jeffrey Weeks. Longman, 306 pp., £11, October 1981, 0 582 48333 6
Sexual Preference: Its Development in Men and Women by Alan Bell, Martin Weinberg and Sue Kiefer Hammersmith. Indiana, 242 pp., £9, October 1981, 9780253166739
Pornography and Silence by Susan Griffin. Women’s Press, 277 pp., £4.75, October 1981, 0 7043 3877 7
The History of Sexuality. Vol. 1 by Michel Foucault, translated by Robert Hurley. Penguin, 176 pp., £2.25, May 1981, 0 14 022299 5

C.H. Roberts

The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln. Cape, 445 pp., £8.95, January 1982, 0 224 01735 7
The Foreigner: A Search for the First-Century Jesus by Desmond Stewart. Hamish Hamilton, 181 pp., £9.95, October 1981, 0 241 10686 9
Satan: The Early Christian Tradition by Jeffrey Burton Russell. Cornell, 258 pp., £14, November 1981, 0 8014 1267 6

Andrew Motion

Poem: ‘Resident at the Club’

Selima Hill

Poem: ‘Charlotte’

Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie

Poland and the New France

Barbara Wootton

Girls Growing Up in Late Victorian and Edwardian England by Carol Dyhouse. Routledge, 224 pp., £8.95, October 1981, 9780710008213
Hooligans or Rebels: An Oral History of Working-Class Childhood and Youth 1889-1939 by Stephen Humphries. Blackwell, 279 pp., £12.50, November 1981, 0 631 12982 0

Sean O’Faolain

The Collected Stories of Elizabeth Bowen introduced by Angus Wilson. Cape, 782 pp., £8.50, February 1981, 0 224 01838 8
Elizabeth Bowen: An Estimation by Hermione Lee. Vision, 225 pp., £12.95, July 1981, 9780854783441

Mark Amory

Evelyn Waugh, Writer by Robert Murray Davis. Pilgrim Books, 342 pp., $20.95, May 1981, 0 937664 00 6

D.A.N. Jones

The Works of Witter Bynner: Selected Letters edited by James Kraft. Faber, 275 pp., £11, January 1982, 0 374 18504 2
A Memoir of D.H. Lawrence: The Betrayal by G.H. Neville, edited by Carl Baron. Cambridge, 208 pp., £18, January 1982, 0 521 24097 2

John Sutherland

The Survivors by Elaine Feinstein. Hutchinson, 316 pp., £7.95, February 1982, 0 09 145850 1
Helliconia Spring by Brian Aldiss. Cape, 361 pp., £6.95, February 1982, 0 224 01843 4
The Great Fire of London by Peter Ackroyd. Hamish Hamilton, 169 pp., £7.95, January 1982, 0 241 10704 0
A Loss of Heart by Robert McCrum. Hamish Hamilton, 282 pp., £7.95, February 1982, 0 241 10705 9

Brian Bond

Auchinleck: The Lonely Soldier by Philip Warner. Buchan and Enright, 288 pp., £10.50, November 1981, 9780907675006
Das Reich: Resistance and the March of the 2nd SS Panzer Division through France, June 1944 by Max Hastings. Joseph, 264 pp., £9.95, November 1981, 0 7181 2074 4

Roy Porter

The Letters and Prose Writings of William Cowper. Vol. I: 1750-1781 edited by James King and Charles Ryskamp. Oxford, 640 pp., £27.50, June 1979, 0 19 811863 5
The Poems of William Cowper: Vol. 1 1748-1782 edited by John Baird and Charles Ryskamp. Oxford, 500 pp., £25, September 1980, 0 19 811875 9
The Letters and Prose Writings of William Cowper. Vol. II: 1782-1786 edited by James King and Charles Ryskamp. Oxford, 640 pp., £27.50, June 1979, 0 19 811863 5

A.J.P. Taylor

Diary: What on earth should I talk about?

Stephen Bann

Dissemination by Jacques Derrida. Athlone, 366 pp., £25, December 1981, 0 485 30005 2

Alan Bleakley

Poem: ‘Specimens in Resin, Specimens in Cases’

Claude Rawson

Ferocious Alphabets by Denis Donoghue. Faber, 211 pp., £8.95, October 1981, 0 571 11809 7

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