Vol. 4 No. 2 · 4 February 1982

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Cover Artist

Charlotte Salomon

John Maynard Smith

The Extended Phenotype by Richard Dawkins


Roger Hartley, Ernest Tuveson, T. Theocharis, F. Hurdis-Jones, Salman Rushdie

Barbara Everett

Three for Water-Music by Donald Davie
The New Oxford Book of Christian Verse edited by Donald Davie

Gabriel Josipovici

Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse by T. Carmi

Clive James

Lady Diana Cooper by Philip Ziegler

Hilary Putnam

Minds and Mechanisms: Philosophical Psychology and Computational Models by Margaret Boden

John Ziman

The Nuclear Barons by Peter Pringle and James Spigelman

Valerie Pearl

The Shell Guide to the History of London by W.R. Dalzell

Christopher Hill

The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World: from the Archaic Age to the Arab Conquests by G.E.M. de Ste Croix

Keith Middlemas

The Polish August: What Happened in Poland by Neal Ascherson

David Lodge

A Polish Notebook – on the eve of martial law

Patricia Beer

Two Poems

Brigid Brophy

The Handbook of Non-Sexist Writing for Writers, Editors and Speakers edited by Casey Miller and Kate Swift

Denis Donoghue

The Collected Stories of Sean O’Faolain: Vols I and II 

Robert Taubman

Rabbit is Rich by John Updike
Charlotte: Life or Theatre? by Charlotte Salomon
Weights and Measures by Joseph Roth
November by Rolf Schneider

Clare Hollingworth

At the Barricades: The Memoirs of a Rebel Journalist by Wilfred Burchett

Douglas Johnson

Un Crime sous Giscard by Jesus Ynfante
Enquête sur les Affaires du Septennat by Jacques Derogy and Jean-Marie Pontaut

Salman Rushdie

Saki: A Life of Hector Hugh Munro by A.J. Langguth

Hans Keller

The Tongs and the Bones: The Memoirs of Lord Harewood 
Putting the Record Straight: The Autobiography of John Culshaw 
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Mastersinger: A Documented Study by Kenneth Whitton

Michael Hofmann

Poem: ‘Eclogue’

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