Robert Taubman

Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie. Cape, 446 pp., £6.95, April 1981, 9780224018234


Maurice Cowling, E.E. Duncan-Jones, Isabel Jacobs, Charles Harrison, David Trotter, Michael Holroyd, Michael Szkolny, Audrey Williamson, Lee Shrubb

Craig Raine

Poem: ‘The Widower’

D.J. Enright

The Hill Station by J.G. Farrell. Weidenfeld, 238 pp., £6.50, April 1981, 0 297 77922 2

John Vincent

Their trade is treachery by Chapman Pincher. Sidgwick, 240 pp., £7.95, March 1981, 0 283 98781 2

Humphery Spender

Seventh Eighth Men Uncovered

David Marquand

The Socialist Agenda edited by David Lipsey. Cape, 242 pp., £7.95, January 1981, 0 224 01886 8
The Future of Socialism by Anthony Crosland. Cape, 368 pp., £8.95, January 1981, 0 224 01888 4
Politics is for people by Shirley Williams. Allen Lane/Penguin, 230 pp., £8.50, April 1981, 0 7139 1423 8

James Joll

Retreat from Power: Studies in Britain’s Foreign Policy of the 20th Century edited by David Dilks. Macmillan, 213 pp., £10, February 1981, 0 333 28910 2

J.S. Morrill

The Justice and the Mare’s Ale by Alan Macfarlane. Blackwell, 238 pp., £8.50, March 1981, 0 631 12681 3

Frank Kermode

Interpretation: An Essay in the Philosophy of Literary Criticism by P.D. Juhl. Princeton, 332 pp., £11.20, January 1981, 0 691 07242 6

Pat Rogers

The Garrick Stage: Theatres and Audience in the 18th Century by Allardyce Nicoll. Manchester, 192 pp., £14.50, April 1980, 0 7190 0768 2
The Kemble Era: John Philip Kemble, Sarah Siddons and the London Stage by Linda Kelly. Bodley Head, 221 pp., £8.50, April 1980, 0 370 10466 8
Early English Stages 1300 to 1660: Vol. 3: Plays and their Makers to 1576 by Glynne Wickham. Routledge, 357 pp., £14.50, April 1981, 0 7100 0218 1

Barbara Everett

A Night in the Gazebo by Alan Brownjohn. Secker, 64 pp., £3, November 1980, 0 436 07114 2
Victorian Voices by Anthony Thwaite. Oxford, 42 pp., £3.95, October 1980, 0 19 211937 0
The Illusionists by John Fuller. Secker, 138 pp., £3.95, November 1980, 0 436 16810 3

Douglas Dunn

Poem: ‘Rereading Katherine Mansfield’s ‘Bliss and Other Stories’’

C.K. Stead

I passed this way by Sylvia Ashton-Warner. Virago, 499 pp., £12, October 1980, 0 86068 160 2
Spinster by Sylvia Ashton-Warner. Virago, 269 pp., £2.95, October 1980, 0 86068 161 0
Teacher by Sylvia Ashton-Warner. Virago, 224 pp., £2.95, October 1980, 0 86068 162 9

Gordon Williams

Ronnie Biggs: His Own Story by Michael Joseph. Sphere, 238 pp., £7.95, March 1981, 9780718119720
A Sense of Freedom by Jimmy Boyle. Pan, 264 pp., £1.25, September 1977, 0 330 25303 4

Gabriele Annan

When memory comes by Saul Friedländer, translated by Helen Lane. Faber, 185 pp., £5.50, February 1981, 0 374 28898 4

Claude Rawson

Claude Rawson considers the behaviour of reviewers and their response to Martin Amis’s novel ‘Other People’

Graham Hough

An Outline of Outlines

E.S. Turner

The Macmillan Treasury of Relevant Quotations edited by Edward Murphy. Macmillan, 658 pp., £3.95, August 1980, 0 333 30038 6

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