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Vol. 2 No. 15 · 7 August 1980

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Cover Artist

Martine Franck

Rosalind Mitchison

The Territory of the Historian by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, translated by Sian Ben
Montaillou by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, translated by Barbara Bray
Carnival: a People’s Uprising in Romans, 1579-1580 by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, translated by Mary Feeney


Mick Gold, Tony Mason, Simon Raven, Claire Bruyère, William Margolis, Rosanne Musgrave

Christopher Ricks

Setting the World on Fire by Angus Wilson

Marilyn Butler

Louis MacNeice in the BBC by Barbara Coulton
Best Radio Plays of 1979 

Hans Keller

Music on Radio and Television

Barbara Wootton

Mrs Thatcher’s First Year by Hugh Stephenson
A House Divided by David Steel

Graham Hough

History of Him by Geoffrey Grigson

Tom Paulin

Poem: ‘Presbyterian Study’

J.P. Stern

Story: ‘The Matljary Diary’

E.S. Shaffer

The Memoirs of Bridget Hitler edited by Michael Unger
The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H. by George Steiner
Young Adolf by Beryl Bainbridge

Martin Green

Poem: ‘Heritage’

James Michie

Poem: ‘Frosty Poem’

Keith Walker

A Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson
Dictionary Johnson: Samuel Johnson’s Middle Years by James Clifford

Michael Irwin

The Beekeepers by Peter Redgrove
F for Ferg by Ian Cochrane
Events Beyond the Heartlands by Robert Watson

Gabriele Annan

The Duke of Deception: Memories of My Father by Geoffrey Wolff

D.A.N. Jones

After My Fashion by John Cowper Powys
Weymouth Sands by John Cowper Powys
Recollections of the Powys Brothers edited by Belinda Humfrey
John Cowper Powys and David Jones: A Comparative Study by Jeremy Hooker
The Hollowed-Out Elder Stalk by Roland Mathias
John Cowper Powys and the Magical Quest by Morine Krissdottir

Christopher Reid

Empty Words: Writings ‘73-’78 by John Cage

T.J. Binyon

The Life of Aleksandr Blok: Vol. 1: ‘The Distant Thunder 1880-1908’ by Avril Pyman

Douglas Johnson

Mesrine: the Life and Death of a Super-crook by Carey Schofield

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