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Vol. 2 No. 10 · 22 May 1980

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Cover Artist

Christopher Killip

Emma Rothschild

Hangchow Retrouvé


Kenneth Ballhatchet, Eric Stokes, Margaret Gardiner, James Greene, Yorick Wilks, Mark Haworth-Booth

Martin Amis

On the Edge of the Cliff by V.S. Pritchett. Chatto, 179 pp., £4.95, February 1980, 0 7011 2438 5
The Tale Bearers: Essays on English, American and Other Writers by V.S. Pritchett. Chatto, 223 pp., £6.50, April 1980, 0 7011 2435 0

Neal Ascherson

Russian Hide and Seek by Kingsley Amis. Hutchinson, 240 pp., £5.95, May 1980, 0 09 142050 4

Karl Miller

Unreliable Memoirs by Clive James. Cape, 171 pp., £5.50, May 1980, 0 224 01825 6

Frank Kermode

The Reign of Sparrows by Roy Fuller. London Magazine Editions, 69 pp., £3.95, February 1980, 0 904388 29 8
Souvenirs by Roy Fuller. London Magazine Editions, 191 pp., £4.95, February 1980, 0 904388 30 1

Leo Pliatzky

The Government of the United Kingdom: Political Authority in a Changing Society by Max Beloff. Weidenfeld, 438 pp., £6.95, March 1980, 0 297 77618 5

Antony Jay

Informed Sources

Michael Hofmann

Poem: ‘La Nuit Américaine’

S.L. Goldberg

Deconstruction and Criticism by Harold Bloom, Paul de Man, Jacques Derrida, Geoffrey Hartman and J. Hillis Miller. Routledge, 256 pp., £8.95, January 1980, 0 7100 0436 2

Wayne Booth

Plains Song: For Female Voices by Wright Morris. Harper and Row, 229 pp., $9.95, January 1980, 0 06 013047 4

Christopher Ricks

Trying to Explain by Donald Davie. Carcanet, 213 pp., £6.95, April 1980, 0 85635 343 4

John Dunn

Jesus by Humphrey Carpenter. Oxford, 102 pp., June 1980, 0 19 283016 3
Aquinas by Anthony Kenny. Oxford, 86 pp., June 1980, 0 19 287500 0
Pascal by Alban Krailsheimer. Oxford, 84 pp., June 1980, 0 19 287512 4
Hume by A.J. Ayer. Oxford, 102 pp., June 1980, 0 19 287528 0
Marx by Peter Singer. Oxford, 82 pp., June 1980, 0 19 287510 8

Peter Clarke

The Shorter Strachey selected and introduced by Michael Holroyd and Paul Levy. Oxford, 288 pp., £6.95, April 1980, 0 19 212211 8
Lytton Strachey by Michael Holroyd. Penguin, 1143 pp., £4.95, December 1979, 0 14 003198 7

Samuel Hynes

C. Day-Lewis: An English Literary Life by Sean Day-Lewis. Weidenfeld, 333 pp., £12.50, March 1980, 0 297 77745 9

Michael Holroyd

The Life of Katherine Mansfield by Antony Alpers. Cape, 466 pp., £9.50, May 1980, 0 224 01625 3

Graham Hough

How far can you go? by David Lodge. Secker, 244 pp., £5.95, April 1980, 0 436 25661 4
Life before Man by Margaret Atwood. Cape, 317 pp., £5.95, March 1980, 0 224 01782 9
Desirable Residence by Lettice Cooper. Gollancz, 191 pp., £5.50, April 1980, 0 575 02787 8
A Month in the Country by J.L. Carr. Harvester, 110 pp., £6.50, April 1980, 0 85527 328 3

John Sutherland

Metroland by Julian Barnes. Cape, 176 pp., £4.95, March 1980, 0 224 01762 4
The Bleeding Heart by Marilyn French. Deutsch, 412 pp., £6.50, May 1980, 9780233972343
Creator by Jeremy Leven. Hutchinson, 544 pp., £6.95, April 1980, 0 09 141250 1

Douglas Johnson

1943: The victory that never was by John Grigg. Eyre Methuen, 255 pp., £7.95, April 1980, 9780413396105

John Ziman

The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav. Hutchinson, 352 pp., £4.50, October 1979, 0 09 139401 5

Reyner Banham

Memoirs of an Unjust Fella: An Autobiography by J.M. Richards. Weidenfeld, 279 pp., £10, March 1980, 9780297777670

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