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Dante’s Little Book

Erin Maglaque, 15 December 2022

... or free verse (Cervigni and Vasta’s literal version of 1995). In her welcome new translation, Virginia Jewiss takes a ‘more elastic’ approach to the poems, experimenting with slant rhyme, internal rhyme, alliteration and assonance. Her work captures Dante’s lyricism while preserving its freshness and clarity; she maintains the tension between ...

Talking Corpses

Tim Parks: ‘Gomorrah’, 4 December 2008

Gomorrah: Italy’s Other Mafia 
by Roberto Saviano, translated by Virginia Jewiss.
Pan, 424 pp., £8.99, October 2008, 978 0 330 45099 7
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directed by Matteo Garrone.
October 2008
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... When Lot lived in Sodom and Gomorrah,’ Peter wrote in his Second Epistle, ‘he was oppressed and tormented day after day by their lawless deeds.’ Having grown up in Naples, Roberto Saviano is similarly tormented and oppressed. Gomorrah is his account of the lawless deeds of the Camorra, the Neapolitan Mafia. Conveniently assonant as the two names may be, the crimes of Naples are not those we associate with the Cities of the Plain, and Saviano is not the righteous man who withdraws when God steps in to incinerate the sinful townsfolk ...

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