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A Circular Motion

James Butler: Protest, what is it good for?, 8 February 2024

If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution 
by Vincent Bevins.
Wildfire, 336 pp., £25, October 2023, 978 1 0354 1227 3
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The Populist Moment: The Left after the Great Recession 
by Anton Jäger and Arthur Borriello.
Verso, 214 pp., £10.99, September 2023, 978 1 80429 248 8
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... related but distinct, originating as a response to a police killing.) Compared with the protests Vincent Bevins discusses in If We Burn, this British activism was low-level stuff. Bevins is interested in explosive movements (the word is often used), ones that toppled leaders or destabilised states. Based on more than ...

Protest Problems

Jan-Werner Müller: Civil Repression, 8 February 2024

... In​ If We Burn, a history of protest between 2010 and 2020, Vincent Bevins writes that the decade ‘surpassed any other in the history of human civilisation in its number of mass street demonstrations’. The responses to Black Lives Matter, Covid-19 restrictions and most recently the Israel-Hamas war suggest this decade may be just as tumultuous ...

We can breathe!

Gabriel Winant: Anti-Fascists United, 1 August 2024

Everything Is Possible: Anti-fascism and the Left in the Age of Fascism 
by Joseph Fronczak.
Yale, 350 pp., £25, February 2023, 978 0 300 25117 3
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... fascism. National and even regional lefts persisted, but in isolation proved vulnerable to what Vincent Bevins has called ‘the Jakarta method’, in reference to the purge of hundreds of thousands of Indonesian communists and sympathisers in 1965-66. Indeed, the escalating threat to the Allende government in Chile was made plain in the warnings ...

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