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‘This in no wise omit’

Tom Bingham: Habeas Corpus, 7 October 2010

Habeas Corpus: From England to Empire 
by Paul Halliday.
Harvard, 502 pp., £29.95, March 2010, 978 0 674 04901 7
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... Cherished for centuries as the great bulwark of British liberty, the remedy of habeas corpus has in recent years lost much of its practical importance. Experienced judges may retire without ever having granted the remedy, or being asked to do so. This is not because today’s judges are less protective of personal liberty than their forebears – perhaps the reverse is true ...

At the White House’s Whim

Tom Bingham: The Power of Pardon, 26 March 2009

... The practice of recent American presidents, in absolving criminal defendants and suspects from the penal consequences of their offending and remitting sentences, has been viewed by many British and some American observers with a mixture of incredulity and bewilderment. One thinks, for example, of the pardon granted by President Ford to his predecessor in 1974: Now, therefore, I, Gerald R ...

How to Be a Good Judge

John Gardner: The Rule of Law, 8 July 2010

The Rule of Law 
by Tom Bingham.
Allen Lane, 213 pp., £20, February 2010, 978 1 84614 090 7
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... was led by a lawyer as conscientious, as judicious, as acute and as lacking in self-importance as Tom Bingham, now Lord Bingham of Cornhill. Bingham’s early practice at the Bar was as generalist as could be, and, although his judicial career was at first dominated by commercial ...

Good Vibrations

Frederick Wilmot-Smith: On the Rule of Law, 12 September 2024

Thoughtfulness and the Rule of Law 
by Jeremy Waldron.
Harvard, 326 pp., £37.95, December 2023, 978 0 674 29077 8
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... list of principles’. Fuller’s list is the most famous. Joseph Raz, John Finnis and Tom Bingham follow Fuller in proposing eight principles. Others have been more parsimonious: A.V. Dicey had three principles; John Rawls had four. Waldron pokes fun at this approach – ‘Robert Summers holds the record, I think, with eighteen rule-of-law ...


Alan Bennett: A Round of Applause, 7 January 2021

... Friday, when this year Pontius Pilate is not the only one washing his hands.16 April. A card from Tom King with news of the tattoo of me that he had put on his arm (pictured in the Diary published in the LRB of 3 January 2019): ‘The tattoo remains popular, though bizarrely one person thought it was of Henry Kissinger. It also makes for an amusing ...

Death in Belgravia

Rosemary Hill, 5 February 2015

A Different Class of Murder: The Story of Lord Lucan 
by Laura Thompson.
Head of Zeus, 422 pp., £20, November 2014, 978 1 78185 536 2
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... London house, 46 Lower Belgrave Street, the countess was violently assaulted and her husband, John Bingham, seventh earl of Lucan, disappeared, offer all things to all tastes. The story has the violent glamour of crime fiction with the additional thrill of reality, and the facts are just enough to make a narrative while leaving hugely tantalising areas of ...

There is only one Harrods

Paul Foot, 23 September 1993

Tiny Rowland: A Rebel Tycoon 
by Tom Bower.
Heinemann, 659 pp., £16.99, May 1993, 0 434 07339 3
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... denounced by a Tory Prime Minister, Edward Heath, as ‘the unacceptable face of capitalism’. Tom Bower has now written books about both men which prove both charges a hundred times over. Maxwell was so infuriated by Bower’s book that he spent hundreds of thousands of pounds to stop it appearing and even commissioned a more favourable biography from his ...


Tom Vanderbilt: The View from Above, 31 March 2005

... checkerboard of green squares in a hostile landscape. You will see the etchings and whorls of the Bingham Copper Mine in Utah, the largest land excavation in the world. You will be able to date suburban subdivisions by how they are laid out. Even home becomes another country. The creators of New York: The Photo Atlas took pictures of the city from 5500 feet ...

Terms of Art

Conor Gearty: Human Rights Law, 11 March 2010

The Law of Human Rights 
by Richard Clayton and Hugh Tomlinson.
Oxford, 2443 pp., £295, March 2009, 978 0 19 926357 8
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Human Rights Law and Practice 
edited by Anthony Lester, David Pannick and Javan Herberg.
Lexis Nexis, 974 pp., £237, April 2009, 978 1 4057 3686 2
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Human Rights: Judicial Protection in the United Kingdom 
by Jack Beatson, Stephen Grosz, Tom Hickman, Rabinder Singh and Stephanie Palmer.
Sweet and Maxwell, 905 pp., £124, September 2008, 978 0 421 90250 3
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... model and it was soon seen off by Lord Steyn’s colleagues; the then senior law lord, Lord Bingham, indirectly castigated it in the course of one judgment as ‘judicial vandalism’. After a few false starts the courts eventually hit on a fairly effective approach which has now bedded down in the case-law. Judges must avoid seeming to legislate: their ...

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