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Tabitha Lasley: The Children of God, 23 September 2021

Rebel: The Extraordinary Story of a Childhood in the ‘Children of God’ Cult 
by Faith Morgan.
Hodder, 368 pp., £16.99, June, 978 1 5293 4759 3
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... Faith Morgan​ ’s memoir opens in her attic, where her teenage son has stumbled on a cache of newspaper cuttings about the Children of God, forcing her to confront memories she’s spent most of her adult life trying to evade. The Children of God was founded in America in 1968 by a man called David Berg. Former members include River and Joaquim Phoenix, Rose McGowan and the writer Lauren Hough, who described Berg as a ‘failed Pentecostal preacher and wildly successful alcoholic ...


Tabitha Lasley: At Cammell Laird, 20 June 2024

... Imagine a roll of barbed wire, but this big.’ Billy Albertina spreads his arms out, gesturing to a brick building near the entrance to the Cammell Laird shipyard in Birkenhead. In the summer of 1984, Albertina and his colleagues occupied a half-built gas rig and a Type 42 destroyer, HMS Edinburgh, in protest at proposals to make almost a thousand workers at the yard redundant ...

Shy bairns get nae sweets

Andrew O’Hagan: Among the Oil-Riggers, 21 January 2021

Sea State 
by Tabitha Lasley.
Fourth Estate, 227 pp., £14.99, February 2021, 978 0 00 839093 8
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... travelling in helicopters and going on as if they were George Best in oilskins.Forty years on, Tabitha Lasley was already working on a book about oil-rig workers when she first visited Aberdeen. She’d recently broken up with her boyfriend, a pothead in public relations. He’d had his uses, though, teaching her how to throw a punch and how to ...

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