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‘Because I am French!’

Ruth Scurr: Marie Antoinette’s Daughter, 3 July 2008

Marie-Thérèse: The Fate of Marie Antoinette’s Daughter 
by Susan Nagel.
Bloomsbury, 418 pp., £25, July 2008, 978 1 59691 057 7
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... nothing theatrical, nothing factitious. All is sincere, all is austere and all is true.’ Susan Nagel’s new biography follows the hagiographic tradition. It is divided into two parts: ‘Sinner’ and ‘Saint’. The first deals with the period from Marie-Thérèse’s birth until her escape from the Temple tower ‘at precisely midnight on ...

The Dream of Everywhere

Carol Gilligan, 10 March 1994

Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and the Body 
by Susan Bordo.
California, 361 pp., £19.95, September 1993, 0 520 07979 5
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History After Lacan 
by Teresa Brennan.
Routledge, 239 pp., £35, December 1993, 0 415 01116 7
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... surgery are flourishing; that breast implants remain something of a cultural spectacle. Yet for Susan Bordo to write a book about the body which stresses its weight or materiality violates what has become something of an academic taboo. To speak of the body as a cultural text is one thing. To suggest that this writing and rewriting is happening on something ...

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