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Strange Outlandish Word

Clare Jackson: Tudor to Stuart, 26 September 2024

From Tudor to Stuart: The Regime Change from Elizabeth I to James I 
by Susan Doran.
Oxford, 656 pp., £30, June, 978 0 19 875464 0
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... that the death of England’s Virgin Queen would ‘be attended with trouble and confusion’. As Susan Doran points out on the first page of From Tudor to Stuart, only a few years earlier at least a dozen candidates for the succession had been identified, with James jostling alongside Philip II of Spain’s daughter Isabella Clara Eugenia and his own ...

Only Sleeping

Anne Barton: Variations on Elizabeth I, 10 July 2003

England’s Elizabeth: An Afterlife in Fame and Fantasy 
by Michael Dobson and Nicola J. Watson.
Oxford, 348 pp., £19.99, November 2002, 0 19 818377 1
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... by the sumptuous Elizabeth: The Exhibition at the National Maritime Museum, a book edited by Susan Doran, with David Starkey as guest curator and essays from Patrick Collinson and other distinguished contributors, which has emerged even more recently, and which will also last.† The wonderful music and literature created for and around Elizabeth ...

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