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The Talk of Turkey

Stephen O’Shea: Should Turkey be worried?, 28 November 2002

... One sunny afternoon last month I sat drinking a glass of tea in the office of a functionary in Mus, a market town in eastern Anatolia known for producing sugar beets, tobacco and violence. In the 1980s and 1990s, the Turkish Army put down an insurgency in the area, killing tens of thousands of people, most of whom believed eastern Anatolia should be labelled western Kurdistan ...


J.L. Nelson: Heretics, 7 June 2001

The Perfect Heresy: The Revolutionary Life and Death of the Medieval Cathars 
by Stephen O’Shea.
Profile, 333 pp., £7.99, May 2001, 1 86197 350 0
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The Yellow Cross: The Story of the Last Cathars 1290-1329 
by René Weis.
Viking, 453 pp., £20, November 2000, 0 670 88162 7
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... 12th century only in being more brutal and sustained, and having permanent effects. The heart of Stephen O’Shea’s book is the story of this Crusade. A non-specialist addressing non-specialists – he frankly describes ‘the latest scholarly tome’, Malcolm Lambert’s excellent The Cathars (1998) as ‘for the stouthearted only’ – he writes ...

Courage, mon amie

Terry Castle: Disquiet on the Western Front, 4 April 2002

... songs of Gerald Finzi, Vaughan Williams, George Butterworth, Gurney, Ernest Farrar. (The baritone Stephen Varcoe is unsurpassed in this repertoire.) I have but to hear the dark opening bars of Finzi’s ‘Only a Man Harrowing Clods’ to dissolve in sticky war nostalgia and an engorged, unseemly longing for things unseen.Yet something about my fixation has ...
... uncrowned king of Ireland’. He was brought down in 1890, having been named by William O’Shea as co-respondent in a divorce action, and died the following year.) It didn’t even look as though Sinn Féin had captured the public imagination. In opening his tobacco shop Clarke might easily have found that the public’s interest in tobacco far ...

A Difficult Space to Live

Jenny Turner: Stuart Hall’s Legacies, 3 November 2022

Selected Writings on Marxism 
by Stuart Hall, edited by Gregor McLennan.
Duke, 380 pp., £25.99, April 2021, 978 1 4780 0034 1
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Selected Writings on Race and Difference 
by Stuart Hall, edited by Paul Gilroy and Ruth Wilson Gilmore.
Duke, 472 pp., £27.99, April 2021, 978 1 4780 1166 8
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... as Sankofa’s The Passion of Remembrance, Black Audio Film Collective’s Handsworth Songs, even Stephen Frears’s My Beautiful Laundrette, from a script by Hanif Kureishi. ‘Once you enter the politics of the end of the essential black subject, you are plunged headlong into the maelstrom of ‘a continuously contingent, unguaranteed political argument and ...

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