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Son of God

Brigid Brophy, 21 April 1983

by Robert Liebert.
Yale, 447 pp., £25, January 1983, 0 300 02793 1
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The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse 
edited by Stephen Coote.
Penguin, 410 pp., £3.95, March 1983, 0 14 042293 5
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... to Tommaso, in The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse, an anthology of, according to its editor, Stephen Coote, ‘poems by and about gay people’. Dr Coote defends the ‘homosexual’ in its title a little half-heartedly, saying that ‘homoerotic’ (Dr Liebert’s word for the same thing) ‘might be the proper ...


Adam Mars-Jones: Not the Marrying Kind, 20 March 2014

... for The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse, which had recently been published under the name of Stephen Coote. I was offended that he could ask such a question. Wasn’t it perfectly obvious that if I took on a project of such a sort I would do it under my own name? If I did decide to use a pseudonym, I would certainly do better than that. I did on the ...

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