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Peace without Empire

Perry Anderson, 2 December 2021

Conquering Peace: From the Enlightenment to the European Union 
by Stella Ghervas.
Harvard, 528 pp., £31.95, March, 978 0 674 97526 2
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... on the course of history in the Europe of their time.To this male cast can now be added Stella Ghervas, born in the 1970s in a region that was part of Romania before the war, occupied by the USSR in 1940 and re-annexed after the war, and is today the republic of Moldova. As a Soviet citizen, she was trained in philosophy and political science ...

Steampunk Terminators

James Stafford: Europe’s Holy Alliance, 20 March 2025

The Holy Alliance: Liberalism and the Politics of Federation 
by Isaac Nakhimovsky.
Princeton, 314 pp., £35, July 2024, 978 0 691 19519 3
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... blended Orthodox religious commitment with a willingness to engage in what Sturdza’s biographer, Stella Ghervas, calls ‘defensive reform’. Their draft was, in turn, heavily edited by the Habsburg foreign minister, Metternich, whose alterations to the text gave it the patrimonial and conservative tone that would later earn it the contempt of ...

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