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Muffled Barks, Muted Yelps

Adam Mars-Jones: ‘Hurricane Season’, 19 March 2020

Hurricane Season 
by Fernanda Melchor, translated by Sophie Hughes.
Fitzcarraldo, 232 pp., £12.99, February, 978 1 913097 09 7
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... He claimed a much greater distance from his material, though he based his book on real murders.Sophie Hughes’s translation alternates between British and American idioms and sometimes consciously rubs these up against each other, with ‘bint’ followed by ‘smart-ass’, ‘pisshead’ cheek by jowl with ‘missus’. The bottommost linguistic ...

Pretending to write ‘Vile Bodies’

Christopher Hitchens, 9 January 1992

Lost Property: Memoirs and Confessions of a Bad Boy 
by Ben Sonnenberg.
Faber, 217 pp., £14.99, November 1991, 0 571 16545 1
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... and take my revenge, as at the end of Le Rouge et le noir Julien Sorel comes back and murders Sophie de Rênal. So did I give my love to a man who had no uncalculated thought, no unplanned affections, no unblazoned brand-name from the Burlington Arcade to the Rue de Rivoli? A man who expected English hostesses to know who and what he meant by Henry ...

At Tate Britain

Gaby Wood: Paula Rego, 7 October 2021

... I got stuck or didn’t know what to do, I would make a print,’ she told the curator Sophie Lindo. ‘The process would free up my mind and let me just work without making art. Often that’s when you do your best things.’ The prints are not only a major component of her output as a whole – T.G. Rosenthal’s catalogue raisonné of her ...

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