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Mr and Mrs Hopper

Gail Levin: How the Tate gets Edward Hopper wrong, 24 June 2004

Edward Hopper 
edited by Sheena Wagstaff.
Tate Gallery, 256 pp., £29.99, May 2004, 1 85437 533 4
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... as this exhibition and its catalogue are concerned. At the press preview, the show’s curator, Sheena Wagstaff, remarked that Nivison ‘had no influence on her husband’s art’. I find this hard to understand, since diaries, letters and interviews prove the active part she played at every stage of her husband’s production. Some evidence of this ...

At the Met Breuer

Hal Foster: Thoughts made visible, 31 March 2016

... this amount will be reduced). Four years ago the Met’s current director, Thomas Campbell, hired Sheena Wagstaff, head of exhibitions at Tate Modern, to lead the curatorial charge, and she has brought her own team with her. This has ruffled feathers: the New York Times published a nasty profile that smacked weirdly of Anglophobia (Campbell, ...

At Tate Modern

Paul Myerscough: Juan Muñoz, 20 March 2008

... one-liner, like his Wax Drum of 1988, the ‘skin’ of which is pierced by a pair of scissors. Sheena Wagstaff, the show’s curator, claims in her catalogue essay that the drum ‘evokes a vicious stabbing of the tympanic membrane of the inner ear’ that ‘brings to mind’ the slitting of the eyeball in Un Chien Andalou. The problem is that it ...

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