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How stripy are tigers?

Tim Lewens: Complexity, 18 November 2010

Unsimple Truths: Science, Complexity and Policy 
by Sandra Mitchell.
Chicago, 149 pp., £19, December 2009, 978 0 226 53262 2
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... initial conditions of a system by a barely perceptible fraction and its fate is altered radically. Sandra Mitchell’s Unsimple Truths – a translation of a book originally published in German as Komplexitäten: Warum wir erst anfangen, die Welt zu verstehen – attempts to trace these contours of complexity. Five of its six chapters focus on ...

All in Slow Motion

Dani Garavelli: The Murder of Nikki Allan, 15 June 2023

... chips for his neighbour Terry Clark (arriving back at Clark’s at 10 p.m.); Clark’s partner, Sandra – Sharon’s sister – put the time of the errand an hour earlier. How convenient, Wright said, that Boyd should give himself an alibi for the precise time Nikki died (a time which was not then publicly known). Boyd claimed to have seen Nikki playing in ...

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