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Open Book

Nicholas Spice, 4 September 1986

A Simple Story 
by S.Y. Agnon, translated by Hillel Halkin.
246 pp., £13.10, March 1986, 0 8052 3999 5
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At the Handles of the Lock: Themes in the Fiction of S.Y. Agnon 
by David Aberbach.
Oxford, 221 pp., £18, November 1984, 0 19 710040 6
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by Christopher Burns.
Cape, 240 pp., £9.95, July 1986, 0 224 02351 9
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... He left in 1907 and went to Palestine, where a year later he published his first story, signing it Agnon, which in Hebrew means ‘cut off’. In 1924 he adopted Agnon as his name, and, as S.Y. Agnon, came to be considered a patriarch of modern Hebrew literature. He died in 1970, four ...

Everlasting Fudge

Theo Tait: The Difficult Fiction of Cynthia Ozick, 19 May 2005

The Bear Boy 
by Cynthia Ozick.
Weidenfeld, 310 pp., £12.99, March 2005, 0 297 84808 9
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... story). This, in turn, is about a young man who visits a famous old writer (based on S.Y. Agnon) in Jerusalem. The old writer gives him a magical crown, which condemns the wearer to be haunted by the ghost of the Hebrew poet Tchernikhovsky, whose love of nature and Greek culture makes him, the story suggests, an idolater. Ozick brings the curtain down ...

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