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Diana Rose, 20 September 1984

A Nice Girl like Me: A Story of the Seventies 
by Rosie Boycott.
Chatto, 250 pp., £8.95, April 1984, 0 7011 2665 5
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... On her fourth day in a London alcoholic clinic Rosie Boycott’s doctor suggested that she should write the story of her life. Her book is an expanded version of that exercise: a memoir of her life between the ages of 12 and 31, between her arrival at Cheltenham Ladies’ College in 1963 and her renunciation of alcohol in 1982 ...


Marina Warner: Carmen Callil’s Causes, 15 December 2022

... involvement in the underground press of the 1960s, alongside Marsha Rowe, a fellow Australian, and Rosie Boycott, who had started the feminist magazine Spare Rib. Carmen was the publicist, and in many ways her genius as a publisher continued to lie in publicity and marketing – the recognisable green livery of the Virago Modern Classics showed her sense ...

Delivering the Leadership

Nick Cohen: Get Mandy, 4 March 1999

Mandy: The Authorised Biography of Peter Mandelson 
by Paul Routledge.
Simon and Schuster, 302 pp., £17.99, January 1999, 9780684851754
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... Street press office until he took a well-padded chair in a Murdoch office. Campbell then called Rosie Boycott, the editor of the Express, and turned down a lunch invitation. (Curiously enough, in April 1998 Boycott had given Routledge the political editorship of her newspaper, only to snatch it away after senior ...

The Greer Method

Mary Beard, 24 October 2019

On Rape 
by Germaine Greer.
Bloomsbury, 96 pp., £12.99, September 2018, 978 1 5266 0840 6
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... lecture seems to have been happy. They clapped at the idea of tattooing rapists with an ‘R’ (Rosie Boycott, who was chairing, made the equally light-hearted suggestion that rapists could be tagged with microchips). In her lecture, Greer was attempting to overturn some assumptions about rape, and to think differently about how to prosecute and punish ...


Moustafa Bayoumi: In Beirut’s Tent City, 5 May 2005

... shapes of black, white and grey, she has two-tone red-brown hair and wears thick eyeliner. Rosie, another young woman in the independent group, says she hopes Geagea will be released. ‘Why do we have to follow them?’ Reine shouts. ‘What makes you think they will be any different this time? What’s your guarantee?’ ...

The Great Accumulator

John Sturrock: W.G. Grace, 20 August 1998

W.G. Grace: A Life 
by Simon Rae.
Faber, 548 pp., £20, July 1998, 0 571 17855 3
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W.G.’s Birthday Party 
by David Kynaston.
Night Watchman, 154 pp., £13, May 1998, 0 9532360 0 5
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... of a myth, and it can be said to have begun in what Neville Cardus, in best Cider with Rosie vein, once wrote of as the ‘plain, lusty humours of his first practices in a Gloucestershire orchard’, and ended in London NW8, in the memorial street-furniture of the Grace gates that open onto the élite end of the ground at Lord’s. There was a time ...

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