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To the Cleaners

Nicholas Penny, 4 July 1985

The Ravished Image: Or, How to Ruin Masterpieces by Restoration 
by Sarah Walden.
Weidenfeld, 174 pp., £12.95, April 1985, 0 297 78407 2
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... that the discovery of murals at Herculaneum stimulated the popularity of pastel drawings, but Rosalba Carriera, who employed this medium, had established herself as one of the most successful artists in Europe well before these murals were known. Perhaps it is just as well that she does not attempt more in the way of a history of restoration, and yet ...

The One-Eyed World of Germaine Greer

Brigid Brophy, 22 November 1979

The Obstacle Race: The Fortunes of Women Painters and Their Work 
by Germaine Greer.
Secker, 373 pp., £12.50, November 1979, 1 86064 677 8
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... then she isn’t really slighted by professional art history anyway. Ms Greer does less well by Rosalba Carriera (to my taste a better candidate), perhaps on the grounds, which Ms Greer elsewhere writes off as the masculine prejudices of art history, that Rosalba didn’t paint in oils and the heroic manner. For the ...

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