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Talking Corpses

Tim Parks: ‘Gomorrah’, 4 December 2008

Gomorrah: Italy’s Other Mafia 
by Roberto Saviano, translated by Virginia Jewiss.
Pan, 424 pp., £8.99, October 2008, 978 0 330 45099 7
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directed by Matteo Garrone.
October 2008
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... was oppressed and tormented day after day by their lawless deeds.’ Having grown up in Naples, Roberto Saviano is similarly tormented and oppressed. Gomorrah is his account of the lawless deeds of the Camorra, the Neapolitan Mafia. Conveniently assonant as the two names may be, the crimes of Naples are not those we associate with the Cities of the ...

When a Corpse Is a Message

Álvaro Enrigue: Mexico’s Cartels, 8 May 2014

Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords and Their Godfathers 
by Anabel Hernández, translated by Iain Bruce.
Verso, 362 pp., £16.99, September 2013, 978 1 78168 073 5
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by Roberto Saviano.
Feltrinelli, 444 pp., £23, March 2013, 978 88 07 03053 6
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Midnight in Mexico: A Reporter’s Journey through a Country’s Descent into Darkness 
by Alfredo Corchado.
Penguin, 248 pp., £17, May 2013, 978 1 59420 439 5
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... other, was seen as another way to distribute wealth. In​  ZeroZeroZero, the Italian journalist Roberto Saviano sees Mexico’s drug wars as part of a global insurgency of capitalists reluctant to accept the rules of the nation-state. He argues that the moment when everything aligned for the world’s mafias was the death in Mexico of the undercover ...

Short Cuts

Thomas Jones: Diego! Diego!, 17 December 2020

... 1989, and took the Coppa Italia in 1987 and the Uefa Cup in 1989. A few days after Maradona died, Roberto Saviano, the journalist and author of Gomorra, spoke on Italian TV about what he had meant to Naples, their ‘natural alliance’ of ‘generosity and craftiness, instinct and calculation’. Maradona in 1984 was ‘broken, famished and ...

No one is further right than me

Jan-Werner Müller: Mussolini to Meloni, 20 March 2025

Brothers of Italy and the Rise of the Italian National Conservative Right under Giorgia Meloni 
by Salvatore Vassallo and Rinaldo Vignati.
Palgrave Macmillan, 284 pp., £109.99, August 2024, 978 3 031 52188 1
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... strike last year over the government’s ‘suffocating control’. Even more ominous, Meloni sued Roberto Saviano, the author of Gomorrah, for libel after he called her and Salvini ‘bastards’ following the sinking of a boat of migrants. He was found guilty in 2023 and ordered to pay a fine. Meloni and her lieutenants have also tried to claim large ...


Will Self: Cocaine, 5 November 2015

... a significant price reduction, and since then the deflationary spiral has continued. While reading Roberto Saviano’s Zero Zero Zero (Allen Lane, £14.99), which attempts to compass the giddy-go-round of the contemporary global cocaine trade, I chanced to hear an item on Radio 4’s More or Less, a programme that interrogates statistics bandied about in ...

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