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Watch the waste paper

Mark Elvin, 19 August 1993

The Fate of Hong Kong 
by Gerald Segal.
Simon and Schuster, 256 pp., £16.99, September 1993, 0 671 71169 5
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The End of Hong Kong: The Secret Diplomacy of Imperial Retreat 
by Robert Cottrell.
Murray, 244 pp., £19.99, April 1993, 0 7195 4992 2
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... was a joke whose far from trivial point retains a certain wry resonance after almost thirty years. Robert Cottreil’s The End of Hong Kong is a different proposition from Segal’s book. It is a detailed, well-written and basically plausible reconstruction of the negotiations between Britain and China that eventually led to the Joint Declaration of ...
... the first. The South Bank Show was also reviewed in the Spectator by Richard Ingrams, as follows:[Robert] Redford was followed onto the show by young Martin Amis, a rather scruffy looking man without a tie. I was baffled as to why his new novel should be given about half an hour of publicity when there are so many other things worthy of attention ... Amis ...

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