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Why Wapping?

Rex Winsbury, 6 March 1986

... There was once a famous proprietor of the Times newspaper who, wishing to introduce new technology into his production plant but fearing the hostility of his print workers, resorted to subterfuge. He installed his new equipment secretly in a separate building, got it working without the use of traditional print staff, all the while maintaining normal production at his old works ...

Play the game

Michael Kulikowski: Cleopatra, 31 March 2011

Zenobia of Palmyra: History, Myth and the Neo-Classical Imagination 
by Rex Winsbury.
Duckworth, 198 pp., £16.99, September 2010, 978 0 7156 3853 8
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Cleopatra: A Life 
by Stacy Schiff.
Virgin, 368 pp., £20, November 2010, 978 0 7535 3955 2
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... A 200-page book on her is a stretch for anyone and while amateur histories need not be amateurish, Winsbury’s book sadly is. He neither understands the complexity of Roman government in the east, nor realises that the multiple sources he cites with confidence are witnesses to, at the very most, one Latin and two Greek works now lost. Worse still, he relies ...

Sheets of Fire and Leaping Flames

Thomas Jones, 24 September 2020

In the Shadow of Vesuvius: A Life of Pliny 
by Daisy Dunn.
Collins, 338 pp., £9.99, August, 978 0 00 821112 7
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... Dunn tend towards a more generous interpretation; Ronald Syme was more sceptical, as was the late Rex Winsbury in his 2013 biography. As a schoolboy I was determined to read between the lines, distrusting everything Pliny said, congratulating myself on being able to see through him. But now I wonder if he mightn’t have been more self-aware than I gave ...

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