Who Knows?
Meehan Crist: The Voynich Manuscript, 27 July 2017
The Voynich Manuscript
edited by Raymond Clemens.
Yale, 336 pp., £35, November 2016,978 0 300 21723 0 Show More
edited by Raymond Clemens.
Yale, 336 pp., £35, November 2016,
“... The Voynich Manuscript looks unremarkable: a yellowing bundle of cheap vellum pages bound between two wooden boards. The cover is blank. Once called ‘the most mysterious manuscript in the world’ by the medievalist and philologist John Manly, its 240 pages contain illustrations of plants no one can identify, what look to be circular celestial maps (though they don’t correspond to any known constellations), drawings of women with rounded bellies frolicking in baths connected by strange tubes, and a list of what may be alchemical or herbal recipes ... ”