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Speaking up for Latin and Greek

Mary Beard, 9 May 1991

Changes in the Roman Empire: Essays in the Ordinary 
by Ramsay MacMullen.
Princeton, 399 pp., $35, December 1990, 0 691 03601 2
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... within the wider discipline of Classics now seems less a pressing problem than a positive benefit. Ramsay MacMullen, professor of history and Classics at Yale, is one of the leading figures of the generation of ancient historians after Finley (who was 16 years his senior). The author of numerous monographs on aspects of Roman imperial history (ranging ...

Rich and Poor in the Ancient World

Fergus Millar, 17 June 1982

... of them. But he does not fully put them to the test of such real-life evidence as we have. Ramsay MacMullen in ‘Social Mobility and the Theodosian Code’ (Journal of Roman Studies, 1964) provided examples (if no more) of many individuals in the fourth century who moved from place to place and from status to status, largely unconscious of being ...

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