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Mixed Blood

D.A.N. Jones, 2 December 1982

Her Victory 
by Alan Sillitoe.
Granada, 590 pp., £8.95, September 1982, 0 246 11872 5
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This Earth of Mankind 
by Pramoedya AnantaToer, translated by Max Lane.
Penguin, 338 pp., £2.50, August 1982, 9780140063349
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... This Earth of Mankind. Alan Sillitoe’s new novel is about 50-year-old Britons feeling rootless. Pramoedya AnantaToer is concerned with young people of the Dutch East Indies in the 1890s, almost choked with different roots – religions, races, cultures, classes – all sprouting wildly. The resemblances struck me ...

Frameworks of Comparison

Benedict Anderson, 21 January 2016

... to Proust. Our favourite class was a joint seminar on the fiction of Indonesia’s great writer Pramoedya AnantaToer, who was then still in one of Suharto’s gulags. Careful, close reading of fiction with a group of excellent students was quite new to me. Thanks to Jim, I began to think about how I could use my ...

From Miracle to Crash

Benedict Anderson: The Asian economic crisis (April 1998), 16 April 1998

... late as 1978 there were still tens of thousands, including the country’s leading writer Pramoedya AnantaToer, in Indonesia’s gulag; executions of Communist leaders who had been on death row for more than two decades continued into the late Eighties.) The removal of the radical-populist Sukarno, a bugaboo ...

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